
The ClimateHouse energy efficiency certification promotes the adoption of building construction methods that meet energy saving and environment protection criteria. The category of energy saving, determines if a building is classified as a ClimateHouse. The ClimateHouse categories provide an instant estimate of a building’s energy consumption.

There are three classes:

  • Gold - heating energy requirement under 10 kWh/m²a (so called 1-litre-construction)
  • A - heating energy requirement under 30 kWh/m²a (so called 3-litre-construction)
  • B -heating energy requirement under 50 kWh/m²a (so called 5-litre-construction)
Gold A B
<10 kWh/m²a <30 kWh/m²a <50 kWh/m²a

To qualify for ClimateHouse Plus certification, a building must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Heating energy consumption requirement under 50 kWh/m²a.
  • Heating fuelled by renewable energy sources, use of environmentally friendly, non-health-damaging building materials.
  • Inclusion of at least one of the following measures: A photovoltaic system, solar panels for water heating and/or integrated with heating system, rainwater usage, green roof.


February 2002

First presentation of KlimaHaus at a conference in Bolzano, Italy. Energy saving buildings gain wide acceptance by combining a variety of voluntary measures. Clear rules and communication play a major role in the guidelines. The client is at the center stage. He spends a major part of his lifetime in buildings

December 2004

On September 29, 2004, the governor of the Province of South Tyrol issues Decree No. 34 that declares KlimaHaus regulations become mandatory in South Tyrol. (bylaw to the law on regional developmental planning in the area of energy saving).

November 2005

Invitation to the 11th World Climate Conference of the United Nations in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. KlimaHaus is selected out of 21 projects as an example for a concrete and sustainable measurement to protect the climate.

January 2006

The Fair of Bolzano organises the first ClimateHouse Fair. More than 24,000 visitors register for the four-day event. Approximately 1,000 participants take part at the first international conference “Future building.”

April 2006

The first CasaClima master class begins at the Free University of Bolzano. Due to immense interest, criteria for admission is established.

May 2006

Foundation of the public ClimateHouse agency.

May 2008

Presentation of the project KlimaHaus in São Paulo, Brazil

June 2008

Presentation of the 1,000th certified building

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