Chuvash State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble

Chuvash State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble – art collective, created in 1924 as the Chuvash National Choir.

In 1939 it was transformed into Chuvash State Song and Dance Ensemble.

In 1994 he was awarded the title of "Academic".

Chuvash National Choir

The team was created in 1924 by the founders of the Chuvash professional music composers and choral conductors F.P. Pavlov (1892–1931) and V.P. Vorobyov (1887–1954) as the Chuvash National Choir.

Since the inception of the team, its leaders began to gather, process Chuvash folk songs, then showed them to the public in Chuvashia, and throughout of the Russia.

Music critic of those years there has been not only an ethnographic interest in choir performances, but also a high performing culture.

In the twenties of the last century, the choir toured in Moscow, Leningrad, Gorky. In the 30 years of the twentieth century, Chuvash State Choir was the winner of the All-Union Choir Olympiad peoples of the USSR, he was also awarded the Prize of the All-Union Radiofestival and had the honor to perform in the Kremlin.

During these years, the repertoire of the Choir was growing proportion of classical and contemporary music, as well as the music of the peoples of the USSR.

Song and Dance Ensemble

In the late 1930s, across the country have begun to create ensembles of song and dance, as a synthetic genre, they would be equally harmoniously combined songs and dances, instrumental play and costumes. The first artistic director of the State Choir transformed into Chuvash State Song and Dance Ensemble (1939) was a young composer and conductor A.G. Orlov-Shuzm (1914–1996). Under his leadership the ensemble successfully performed in Moscow looks ensembles, music and dance of the RSFSR peoples. Soon the ensemble led by conductor Kazatchkov S.A. (1909–2005).

The team begins intensive concert activities all over the. It does not remain on the map of Russia republics, territories and regions, which would not have been Chuvash State Ensemble.

Ensemble during the war

His tour did not stop the activity and during World War II – one of the glorious pages of the history of the ensemble was a three-month stay in the existing parts of the Bryansk and Kalinin Fronts winter of 1943.

Recognition and awards

  • Winner of All-Union and All-Russian review,
  • Laureate of the State K. Ivanov's Prize of the Chuvash Republic
  • Team was awarded the title "academic" ensemble (1994).
  • Honorary diploma of the Chuvash Republic (2009).

See also


  • Кондратьев М. Г. Государственный ансамбль песни и танца Чувашской АССР: История возникновения. Этапы развития. Творческие искания. – Cheboksary, 1989.
  • Кондратьев М. Г. Государственный ансамбль песни и танца Чувашской Республики. Справочник (1924–1991). – Cheboksary, 1992.
  • Кондратьев М. Г. Чувашская музыка : От мифологических времён до становления современного профессионализма. – М., 2007.
  • Кондратьев М. Г. Чувашский государственный академический ансамбль песни и танца. Альбом-буклет. – Cheboksary, 2014.
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