Chisht Nagar

Chisht Nagar Changa Manga

Chisht Nagar (Punjabi/Urdu: چشت نگر) is a town of Changa Manga. It is located Ahluwal road and close to Jamia Masjid Hazoor Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz (R.A), home-village of Rana Faiz Ul Hussain, Connecting the world famous Chishti Order.

Hakeem Khawaja Abdul Hafeez Muani Chishti Ajmeri

Hakeem Khawaja Abdul Hafeez Mueeni Chishti Ajmeri is supporter of Khawaja Ishtiaq Ahmad Mueeni Chishti Ajmeri (R.A) [لجپال غریب نوازؒ] belongs to Chishti Nizami Order and having Caliphate of four big Orders.

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