Grand Chancellor of France

In France, under the Ancien Régime, the officer of state responsible for the judiciary was the Grand Chancellor of France (French: Grand Chancelier de France). The Chancellor was responsible for seeing that royal decrees were enrolled and registered by the sundry parlements, provincial appellate courts. However, since the Chancellor was appointed for life, and might fall from favour, or be too ill to carry out his duties, his duties would occasionally fall to his deputy, the Keeper of the Seals of France (French: Garde des sceaux de France).

The last Chancellor died in 1790, by which time the French Revolution was well underway, and the position was left vacant. Instead, in 1791, the Chancellor's portfolio and responsibilities were assigned to the Keeper of the Seals who was accordingly given the additional title of Minister of Justice under the Revolutionary government. The modern Minister of Justice is ceremonially known by both titles. See also Royal Administration of Merovingian and Carolingian Dynasties.

Frankish chancellors under the Merovingians and Carolingians

See also Royal Administration of Merovingian and Carolingian Dynasties.

Chancellors of France until 1699

Chancellors of France

Chancellor Began Ended
Louis Phélypeaux, comte de Pontchartrain 5 September 1699 1 July 1714
Daniel Voysin de La Noiraye 2 July 1714 2 February 1717
Henri François d'Aguesseau 3 February 1717 27 October 1750
Guillaume de Lamoignon de Blancmesnil 10 December 1750 14 September 1768
René Charles de Maupeou 15 September 1768 16 September 1768
René Nicolas de Maupeou 16 September 1768 1 July 1790

Keepers of the Seals, 1699–1790

Keeper of the Seals Began Ended
Louis Phélypeaux, comte de Pontchartrain 5 September 1699 1 July 1714
Daniel Voysin de La Noiraye 2 July 1714 2 February 1717
Henri François d'Aguesseau 3 February 1717 28 January 1718
Marc René de Voyer de Paulmy, marquis d'Argenson 28 January 1718 7 June 1720
Henri François d'Aguesseau 8 June 1720 28 February 1722
Joseph Jean Baptiste Fleuriau d'Armenonville 28 February 1722 17 August 1727
Germain Louis Chauvelin 23 August 1727 20 February 1737
Henri François d'Aguesseau 20 February 1737 27 November 1750
Jean-Baptiste de Machault d'Arnouville 27 November 1750 1 February 1757
vacant 1 February 1757 13 October 1761
Nicolas René Berryer 13 October 1761 15 September 1762
Paul Esprit Feydeau de Brou 27 September 1762 3 October 1763
René Charles de Maupeou 3 October 1763 18 September 1768
René Nicolas Charles Augustin de Maupeou 18 September 1768 24 August 1774
Armand Thomas Hue de Miromesnil 24 August 1774 8 April 1787
Chrétien François de Lamoignon de Basville 8 April 1787 14 September 1788
Charles Louis François de Paule de Barentin 17 September 1788 3 August 1789
Jérôme Champion de Cicé 4 August 1789 21 November 1790


  1. Conradus Eubel, Hierarchia catholica medii aevi Tomus I, editio altera (Monasterii 1913), p. 132.
  2. The only chancellor to have been elected by an assembly gathered by Charles V.
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