Diplopterys cabrerana

Diplopterys cabrerana
Scientific classification
Species: D. cabrerana
Binomial name
Diplopterys cabrerana
(Cuatrec.) B.Gates
  • Banisteriopsis cabrerana[1]

Diplopterys cabrerana is a vine native to the Amazon Basin, spanning the countries of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.[1] In the Quechua languages it is called chaliponga or chagropanga; in parts of Ecuador it is known as chacruna—a name otherwise reserved for Psychotria viridis.

D. cabrerana and P. viridis are both common admixtures for ayahuasca. Both species are rich sources of N,N-DMT, a tryptamine endogenous in humans and many other species. D. cabrerana additionally produces 5-MeO-DMT, a less common structural analog.

The plant stores the alkaloids N,N-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and N-methyltetrahydro-beta-carboline in its leaves and stems.[1] Leaf samples were found to be 0.17-1.75% N,N-DMT,[1] but only trace amounts of N-methyltetrahydro-beta-carboline occur in the leaves.[2] The leaves also store methyltryptamine and trace amounts of bufotenin.[1][2]

Cuttings of D. cabrerana are transplantable. The cuttings are either planted in soil directly, or rooted first in water.[1]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rätsch, Christian. Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven Pflanzen. Botanik, Ethnopharmakologie und Anwendungen. p. 179. ISBN 978-3-85502-570-1.
  2. 1 2 www.biopark.org

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