Caleb Finch

Caleb Ellicott Finch (born July 4, 1939) is a professor at the University of Southern California's Leonard Davis School of Gerontology who studies aging in humans, with expertise in cell biology and Alzheimer's disease.

He was the founding Director of USC's NIH funded Alzheimer Disease Research Center in 1984, and is currently co-Director. In 1989, the university made him one of its twelve "University Distinguished Professors". He is a full professor in Gerontology and Biological Sciences, and an adjunct professor in departments of Anthropology, Psychology, Physiology, and Neurology. He was the Chair of the National Research Council Committee on Biodemography of Aging. He is co-author of 520 scientific papers and four books, most recently The Biology of Human Longevity (Academic Press, 2007). He currently serves on the Scientific Advisory Board for Cure Alzheimer's Fund.

Finch and his colleague at the USC Davis School of Gerontology Eileen Crimmins have developed a unique interdisciplinary upper division course (Health, Stress, & Aging), which combines biomedical, demographic, and psychosocial perspectives of the human lifespan.


Recent Papers

Most recent papers are:

  • Kremsky I., Morgan TE, Hu, X, Li L, Finch CE (2012) Age-related changes in glial gene expression are modified by interactions with neurons. Brain, Behav, Immunity, Special Issue on Aging, 26:797-802
  • Arimoto JM, Wong A, Rozovsky I, Lin SW, Morgan TE, Finch CE (2013) Age increase of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in cortical astrocytes impairs neurotrophic support in male and female rats. Endocrinology, 154: 2101–2113.
  • Davis DA, Akopian G, Walsh JP, Sioutas C, Morgan TE, Finch CE. (2013) Urban air pollutants reduce synaptic function of CA1 neurons via an NMDA/NO pathway in vitro. J Neurochem 127:509-519.
  • Finch CE, Beltran-Sanchez H, Crimmins EM (2014) Uneven futures of human lifespans: reckoning the realities of climate change with predictions from the Gompertz model. Gerontology 60:183-8.
  • Finch CE, Austad CE. 2015. Is Alzheimer disease uniquely human? Commentary, Neurobiol Aging 36:553-555
  • Cacciottolo M, Christensen A, Moser A, Liu J, Pike CJ, Sullivan PM, Morgan TE, Finch CE. The APOE4 allele shows opposite sex bias in microbleeds and Alzheimer ‘s Disease of humans and mice. Neurobiol Aging, in press.
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