BFI list of the 50 films you should see by the age of 14

The 50 films you should see by the age of 14 is a list created by the British Film Institute in 2005 to inspire parents and educators to take movies as seriously as books and other forms of art. It was created by more than 70 experts including film producers, teachers, authors and critics who all made their own top ten.

The film registering the most votes was Spirited Away, which won the 75th Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature and the Golden Bear at the 52nd Berlin International Film Festival.


The British Film Institute provides only an alphabetical listing of the top ten recommended movies.[1]

Film Director Year Country Top Ten
The Adventures of Robin Hood Michael Curtiz/William Keighley 1938 USA No
Au revoir les enfants Louis Malle 1987 France/West Germany No
Back to the Future Robert Zemeckis 1985 USA No
Beauty and the Beast Gary Trousdale/Kirk Wise 1991 USA No
Bicycle Thieves Vittorio De Sica 1948 Italy Yes
Billy Elliot Stephen Daldry 2000 UK/France No
A Day at the Races Sam Wood 1937 USA No
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Steven Spielberg 1982 USA Yes
Edward Scissorhands Tim Burton 1990 USA No
Etre et Avoir Nicolas Philibert 2002 France No
Finding Nemo Andrew Stanton/Lee Unkrich 2003 USA No
It's a Wonderful Life Frank Capra 1946 USA No
Jason and the Argonauts Don Chaffey 1963 UK/USA No
Kes Ken Loach 1969 UK Yes
The Kid Charles Chaplin 1921 USA No
King Kong Merian C. Cooper/Ernest B. Schoedsack 1933 USA No
Kirikou et la sorcière Michel Ocelot 1998 France/Belgium/Luxembourg No
La Belle et la Bête Jean Cocteau 1946 France/Luxembourg No
Le Voyage dans la Lune Georges Melies 1902 France No
The 400 Blows Francois Truffaut 1959 France Yes
Monsieur Hulot's Holiday Jacques Tati 1953 France No
My Life as a Dog Lasse Halström 1985 Sweden No
My Neighbour Totoro Hayao Miyazaki 1988 Japan No
The Night of the Hunter Charles Laughton 1955 USA Yes
Oliver Twist David Lean 1948 UK No
The Outsiders Francis Ford Coppola 1983 USA No
Pather Panchali Satyajit Ray 1955 India No
Playtime Jacques Tati 1967 France/Italy No
The Princess Bride Rob Reiner 1987 USA No
Rabbit-Proof Fence Phillip Noyce 2002 Australia No
Raiders of the Lost Ark Steven Spielberg 1981 USA No
The Railway Children Lionel Jeffries 1970 UK No
The Red Balloon Albert Lamorisse 1956 France No
Romeo + Juliet Baz Luhrmann 1996 USA No
The Secret Garden Agnieszka Holland 1993 UK/USA No
Show Me Love Lukas Moodysson 1998 Sweden/Denmark Yes
Singin' in the Rain Stanley Donen/Gene Kelly 1952 USA No
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs David Hand 1937 USA No
Some Like It Hot Billy Wilder 1959 USA No
The Spirit of the Beehive Victor Erice 1973 Spain No
Spirited Away Hayao Miyazaki 2001 Japan Yes
Star Wars George Lucas 1977 USA No
To Kill a Mockingbird Robert Mulligan 1962 USA No
Toy Story John Lasseter 1995 USA Yes
Walkabout Nicolas Roeg 1971 UK No
Whale Rider Niki Caro 2002 New Zealand No
Where Is the Friend's Home? Abbas Kiarostami 1987 Iran Yes
Whistle Down the Wind Bryan Forbes 1961 UK No
The White Balloon Jafar Panahi 1995 Iran No
The Wizard of Oz Victor Fleming 1939 USA Yes

See also


  1. "Debate produces list of films that children should see". British Film Institute. Archived from the original on 25 October 2009. Retrieved 2009-11-29.
  • "Top fifty films for children up to the age of 14". British Film Institute. Archived from the original on 2012-05-25. Retrieved 2013-07-09.
  • Children get must-see movie list BBC
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