Brigitte Lovisa Fouché

Brigitte Lovisa Fouché is a French painter born in Dax (South of France) in 1958. After graduating from the École nationale supérieure des arts appliqués et des métiers d'art (ENSAAMA), Olivier de Serres in Paris, she worked for 15 years as a glazier painter for Sylvie Gaudin's studio.

Specializing herself in mural art, she has painted a large collection of acryllic formats in vivid colors and deconstructed patterns. A brother gone to Polynesia remains one of her claimed inspirations.


Her works have been exhibited regularly over the past few years:

  • 2007-2009: Selected to take part in the Grand Marché de l'Art Comtemporain (GMAC Paris Bastille) in Paris
  • March 2009: Exhibition at the 44th edition of the Salon du Vesinet
  • 13 February 2009: Concert/exhibition "Sound and colors" in Châtenay-Malabry

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