Banu Bakr ibn Abd Manat

The Banu Bakr ibn Abd Manat (Arabic: بنو بكر) were an Arabian tribe of the Hejaz region,Bani Bakr bin Abd Manat bin Kenana bin Khuzaymah bin Mdarka bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Ma'ad bin Adnan, one of the most famous tribe of the Kenana tribes in the pre-Islamic era and Islam was issued during the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphate, and is one of the largest Arab tribes number. They are the cousins ​​of the Quraish tribe of the Prophet Muhammad and were competing with their cousins ​​Quraysh for honor and the sovereignty of Mecca.

Bakr was named after his grandfather by his mother Bakr ibn Wael, since his mother is Hind bint Bakr ibn Wael.

During Muhammad's lifetime, they were allies of the Quraish of Mecca.

In 630, their attack against Banu Khuza'a, who had recently become allies of Muhammad, violated the Treaty of Hudaybiyya of 628, which led to the conquest of Mecca by the Muslim armies, which occurred without battle.

They are distinct from the similarly named, but more famous tribe of Bakr ibn Wa'il.

Bakr bin Abdul Manat is divided into old tribes, most famously:

1)Banu Damrah 2)Banu Du’al 3)Banu Laith 4)Banu Areej -

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