
Countries Romania,,
Counties Satu Mare County
 - location Dacia
Mouth Someş

The Balcaia is a tributary of the Someş in Romania. The river, which originates near the village of Dacia, is totally channelized and, at present, is part of the drainage system of the Someș plain, being referred to as Keleti or Keleti Canal. The canal crosses the border into Hungary where it reaches the Someș.


  • Administrația Națională Apelor Române – Cadastrul Apelor – București
  • Institutul de Meteorologie și Hidrologie – Rîurile României – București 1971
  • ICPA – Comune vulnerabile – Județul Satu Mare
  • Ritvayné Szomolányi Mária, Szél Sándor, Lázár Attila, Kiss Adrienn, Puskás Erika – Az EU Víz Keretirányelv GIS útmutatójának tesztelése a Szamos vízgyűjtőn
  • Harta Județul Satu Mare

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