British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

The British Association for Counselling grew from the Standing Conference for the Advancement of Counselling, a grouping of organisations inaugurated in 1970 at the instigation of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations. Membership was extended to include individuals when in 1977, with the aid of a grant from the Home Office Voluntary Service Unit, the British Association for Counselling was founded.

In 1978 the headquarters was moved from London to Rugby courtesy of the National Marriage Guidance Council which provided free accommodation to help the association establish itself. The Association is now located in Lutterworth.

Change of name

In September 2000, the Association recognised that it no longer represented just counselling, but also psychotherapy. It changed its name to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).

BACP is now the largest and broadest professional association for members of the counselling professions in the UK with over 44,000 members.

BACP participates in the development of counselling and psychotherapy at an international level.


BACP exist for one simple reason - counselling changes lives.

BACP's desire for social justice determines everything they do and guides their relationship with members and the public, as well as commissioners and government.

They champion the counselling professions as a viable, and increasingly evidence-based choice for people.

BACP's objectives are:

  1. to promote and provide education and training for counsellors and/or psychotherapists working in either professional or voluntary settings, whether full- or part-time, with a view to raising the standards of counselling and/or psychotherapy for the benefit of the community and in particular for those who are the recipients of counselling and/or psychotherapy.
  2. to advance the education of the public in the part that counselling and/or psychotherapy can play generally and in particular to meet the needs of those members of society where development and participation in society is impaired by mental, physical or social handicap or disability.

Governance and structure

BACP is a company limited by guarantee and a registered Charity. The governing instrument is the Memorandum and Articles of the Association. The Trustees, known collectively as the Board of Governors, govern the Association.

BACP operates specialist interest divisions and forums that focus on informing members and the public:


  • BACP seeks to advise and inform national and international policy and procedures concerned with counselling and psychotherapy, offering information and guidance to those involved in the process.
  • BACP is consulted by government bodies, professional bodies, funding organisations, teaching institutions and many others on important issues concerning counselling and psychotherapy. The Association is strongly committed to high practice standards and the protection of the public.
  • The Association sets, promotes and maintains standards for the profession. The Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy alongside the Professional Conduct Procedure ensures that members of BACP abide by an accepted code of conduct and accountability.
  • The Association publishes a directory of members on their website, as well as a paper version, which allows those seeking counselling to find a counsellor in their area.
  • The Association also accredits counsellors with the appropriate training and experience via a rigorous accreditation process, that requires continued education to maintain accreditation.

BACP and regulation of Counsellors and Psychotherapists

In February 2013 BACP's voluntary register was accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. BACP's register is the first register of counselling and psychotherapy professionals to be accredited under the scheme set up by the Department of Health and administered by an independent body, accountable to Parliament.

Notable members of the BACP

See also



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