Avi Weinroth

Avi Weinroth
Born Israel
Nationality Israeli
Education LLB, LLM at Bar-Ilan University PHD at Tel Aviv University
Occupation Owner and Founder of Prof. Avi Weinroth & Co. Law firm

Prof. Avraham Weinroth is the owner and founder of Prof. Avi Weinroth & Co. Law firm which deals with Litigation, Real Estate and Commercial law. Prof. Weinroth was a senior partner for 25 years in the office of Dr. Jacob Weinroth (his brother) and in 2013 has established his own law firm. Prof. Weinroth is also a known cited researcher and a talented lecturer. Prof. Weinroth is lecturing porperty law, banking law and corporate law for 30 years in Tel-Aviv University and at the Peres Academic Center in Rehovot. Prof. Weinroth is the author of 18 books and over 100 important articles. Prof. Weinroth specializes in Litigation and Commercial Law and represents leading corporations and governmental companies.


Prof. Weinroth was born in Israel in 1963. He studied in Rav Amiel Yeshiva "Ha'Yishuv Ha'Hadash" and later at the high rabbinical college Yeshivat Ateret Israel in Jerusalem. He served in the Israel Defense Forces at the Military Rabbinate and was ordained as a Rabbi on 1984. He received his LL.B and LL.M, (summa cum laude), from Bar-Ilan University and his JSD from Tel Aviv University(part of the research was done in the McGill University in Montreal Canda). Prof. Weinroth's Thesis for the master's degree was on "Exemption from income tax in regard of public institutions" under the instruction of Prof. A. Namdar. Prof. Weinroth's Doctorial thesis was on "The Application of Public Administrative Law to Governmental Companies" – instructed by Prof. A. Rosen-Tsvi (o.b.m) and Prof. I. Haviv-Segal. Both thesises were published as leading books in their fields. since than Prof. Weinroth wrote the leading book about bank guarantees which in cited numerous times by all courts, including the Supreme Court and lately wrote a very important and practical book about Property Law, which is one of his expertise in the practical field. Prof. Weinroth interned at the law firm of Adv. Hanan Melzer who is today a Supreme Court judge and at S. Horowitz & Co.(Dr. Amnon Goldberg o.b.m). Prof. Weinroth began practicing law in 1989 at Dr. J. Weinroth & Co. (his brother's firm). In 2013 Prof. Weinroth founded his own law firm called prof.Avi Weinroth & Co.

Prof. Weinroth is a gifted lecturer and besides lecturing in the university he is a requested lecturer at legal seminars for lawyers and judges..


prof. Weinroth is the author of books and numerous publications in law and Jewish Law as well as Jewish philosophy and thought. The following is a partial list of his books:

  • Governmental Corporations – The Application of Public Administrative Law, Bursi Publishers, Tel Aviv, 1995.
  • Taxation of Non Profit Institutions (Income Tax and V.A.T), Choshen Lamishpat publishers, 1992.
  • Interest, Shoav Publishers Ltd., 1998.
  • Loan Laws, co authored with Dr. Barak Medina Bursy Publishers, 2000.
  • Conditioning Service by Service at a Banking Corporation, co authored with Boaz Edelstein, Shoav Publishers Ltd., 2001.
  • Property Law, The Israeli Bar Association, 2017.
  • Bank Guarantees – Expanded Second Edition, Shoav Publishers Ltd., 2007.
  • Feminism and Judaism, Yedioth Ahronoth Publishers, 2001.
  • Theft and Plunder – Fundamental Chapters – the Rabbi Kook Institution Publishers, 2002.
  • Maamarei Avraham – Articles in Jewish Law, Dr. Avraham Weinroth, 1982.
  • Spiritualism and Judaism – The Ministry of Defense Publishers, as part of a series of the Broadcast University, 1996.
  • Discretion in Halacha-Science Relations, Machshavot Publishers, 1992.
  • Faith in G-D versus Human Effort (Bitahon ve Hishtadlus), 2006(published by the Feldheim Publishers). This book won the Jerusalem Prize for Torah and Literature 2008. This book was published also in English on 2013.
  • The Value of Life in Jewish Law, published by the Feldheim Publishers,2010.
  • Father's Wisdom: Articles Pertaining to Biblical Issues, published by Shoav Publishers Ltd., 2013.
  • Studies of Prayer: published by the Feldheim Publishers, 2014. Also being published in English.
  • Modern issues in Halacha": Shoav Publishers Ltd., 2017.
  • Due process of law: published by the Feldheim Publishers, 2017.


  • On Theft, Plunder, and what Lies between Them, The Ministry of Justice
  • About the felony of attempt, The Ministry of Justice
  • Revenge in the Punishment System, The Ministry of Justice
  • Responsibility of an asset keeper on an Insured Property, The Ministry of Justice.
  • Compansation for Violation of the Autonomy rights, The Ministry of Justice.
  • Hindsight, The Ministry of Justice.
  • Expropriation for a public purpose when the purpose is no longer valid, The Ministry of Justice.
  • Women in Judicial Proceeding, The Ministry of Justice .
  • Risk of Life at War Time, The Ministry of Justice.
  • Torah and Derech Eretz – Studying a profession and secular studies, The Ministry of Justice
  • The Value of Peace – as a basic norm, The Ministry of Justice
  • Social Justice in the Halacha. The article won first prize in a contest held by Shabaton in Israel.
  • Breaking a Commitment to Donate Bone Marrow, "Asia", a periodical of Medicine, Ethics and Halacha (Shlezinger Institute), journal 89-90, Aug, 2011, Vol. 23.
  • Legal and Athical aspects of Doctors' strike: "Asia", a periodical of Medicine, Ethics and Halacha (Shlezinger Institute), journal 93-94, 2013.
  • The Essence of the Priestly Blessing, Prof. Avi Weinroth – A lesson in the memory of Rabbi Moshe Aharon Weinroth o.b.m.
  • The Essence of Kaddish, Prof. Avi Weinroth – A lesson in memory of Rabbi Moshe Aharon Weinroth o.b.m.
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