
Arbab (Persian: ارباب) is a Persian word that means "boss", "master" and "landlord". It was a title used by tribal leaders in Middle East and South Asia. It is the title used by the heads of the Kasi Pashtun in Balochistan and Khalil, Momand, Daudzai and Gigyani tribe in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

It is also used by the Samma tribes like Sammo, Abro, and Jakhro tribes in Sindh. It is a common family name in Iran, Pakistan and some Arab countries. Arbabs are also very famous in Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Quetta Balochistan they are one of the most popular educated and well known people.


"The Lord,” used in Persian to signify any sort of owner or master. In modern Persian, it indicates a proprietor of rural land, and the adjective Arbābī is applied to a rural estate. It is not an Arabic word.

It is a family name ( نجیب زاده ) in the Middle East, especially in Iran. It indicates that those families have a notable background in the history of Iran and were mostly landlords, or heads of their tribes or states. Arbab was the biggest landlords.


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