Arabic exonyms

This list of Arabic exonyms includes names which are significantly different from the names of the same places in other languages, as well as names of Arabic origin in countries (especially Spain) where Arabic is no longer spoken. Some of these exonyms are no longer in use.

Places not mentioned are generally referred to in Arabic by their respective names in their native languages, adapted to Arabic phonology as necessary.

Acirealeal-Yāqmeaning "the Bull"
Aguilar de la FronteraBulāya
Austriaالنمسا an-Namsā, an-Nimsāfrom a Slavic word meaning 'German'
Bay of BiscayBāhr al-Akhdarmeaning "Greenest Coast"
CataniaBalāt al-Fīlmeaning "Court of the Elephant"; also Qātāniyyah
Ciudad RealMāslākha
Ciutadella de MenorcaMadinah al-Jazīrameaning "City of the Island"
CovadongaZahra Bilāymeaning "Flower of Bilay"
EnnaQasr al-Yahyāmeaning "Castle of John", a translation of its former name Castrogiovanni
Faro Bur al-Hārunmeaning Port of Aaron
Ukhshūnubafrom Latin variant Ossonoba
GelaMadinah al-Amudmeaning "City of Columns"
Germanyألمانيا Almāniyafrom the Alemanni (as in Spanish, among other languages)
Greeceاليونان al-Yūnānrelated to Ionia
The HagueLāhāyfrom French La Haye
IgualejaBalāt al-Wālaymeaning "the Bent Court"
MontenegroJabal al-Aswadmeaning "Black Mountain"
NavarreBalāt al-Bashkansmeaning "Court of the Basque people"
OuremAbd al-Ejazmeaning "Servants of the Barrier"
Isla de las PalomasJazīra al-Tārifmeaning "the Isle of Tarif"
Palma de MallorcaMadinah al-Mayūrqahmeaning "City (Capital) of Mallorca"
Reggio CalabriaRīvāh
SavocaQalāt az-Zabūdmeaning "Fort of Zabud"
SeguraWar al-Abyād
TaorminaMadinah al-Muīzzmeaning "City of Al-Muizz"; also Tābarmīn`
ToursBalāt ash-Shuhadāmeaning "Court of the Martyrs", ref. the Battle of Tours
Veniceal-Bunduqīyyafrom the name of the Veneti, more precisely its adjectival derivative veneticus

Arabic-derived names of non-Arabic-speaking places

Albaceteal-Basitmeaning "the Humble"
Albaidaal-Bāydameaning "the White"
Albaláal-Balādmeaning "the Village" or "the Court"
AlbarracínBanī al-Rāzinmeaning "the Sons of Razin"
AlberiteGharīp al-Bāldahmeaning "Village of the Post"
Albufeiraal-Bukhārameaning "the Lagoon"
AlburquerqueAbu al-Qūrqmeaning "Father of the Cork Oak"
Alcacer do SalQasr Abu Dānismeaning "Castle of Abu Danis"
Alcalá de los GazulesQalāt al-Yāzulameaning "Fort of Yazula"
Alcalá de GuadaíraQalāt al-Jabīrmeaning "Castle of Jabir"
AlcamoManzīl al-Qāmāqmeaning "Messuage of Qamaq"
Alcántaraal-Qāntarameaning "the Bridge"
AlcantarillaQāntara al-Asqabāhmeaning "the nearest Bridge"
Alcañizal-Khanaīsmeaning "the Churches"
Alcara li Fusial-Aqarātmeaning "Little Fortress"
Alcatrazal-Qātrasmeaning "the Sea Eagle"
Alcaucínal-Qāwtīnmeaning "the Arches"
Alcazarénal-Qasraīnmeaning "the Two Castles"
Alcuéscaral-Qāwāsqarmeaning "the Canyons"
Alfarnateal-Fārnitmeaning "the Flour mill"
Algaidaal-Ghaīdameaning "the Wood"
Algarroboal-Gherībmeaning "the Winds"
Algarveal-Gharbmeaning "the West"
Algecirasal-Jazīra al-Hadrāmeaning "the Green Island"
Alhama de MurciaMadinah al-Hammāmeaning "City of the Baths"
Alhambraal-Hamrameaning "the Red One"
Alhaurín de la TorreMadinah al-Hāwrīnmeaning "Divine City"
Alìal-Alimeaning "the Big"
Alicanteal-Laqantmeaning "the Bright"
Alimenaal-Imānmeaning "the Righteous"
AliminusaRakhbal al-Mīnusameaning "Farmhouse of Minusa"
AljezurAl-Juzurmeaning "the Islands"
Almácharal-Maysārmeaning "the Meadows"
AlmadaQalāt al-Mādinmeaning "Fort of the Mine"
AlmadénHisn al-Mādinmeaning "Stronghold of the Mine"
AlmazánMadinah al-Māzānmeaning "the Fortified City"
AlmeirimMadinah al-Māryāmmeaning "City of Saint Mary"
Puebla de AlmenaraGharīp al-Mānārahmeaning "Village of the Minaret"
Almensillaal-Manzīlmeaning "the Messuage"
Almeriaal-Mariyyahmeaning "the Mirror (of the Sea)"
AlmuñecarHisn al-Munākharmeaning "Stronghold of the Dale"
Alpujarrasal-Būshāratmeaning "the Grasslands"
AlquézarQasr al-Barbītaniyyahmeaning "Castle of Barbastro"
AlziraJazīra Shuqrmeaning "Graceful Island"
ArdalesArd Allahmeaning "Turf of God"
Arriatear-Rīyadhmeaning "the Orchards"
AshgabatIshq Ābādmeaning "City of Light"
Axarquíaash-Sharqiyyameaning "The Eastern (Region)"
Azofraaz-Zujrahmeaning "the Tribute"
BadajozBayt al-Jawsmeaning "House of the Exigent"
BagheriaBab al-Gherībmeaning "Gate of the Winds"
BanyalbufarBanī al-Būfarmeaning "Sons of Būfar"
Barial-Barīmeaning "the Creator", see Names of God in Islam
BejaBājad az-Zaytmeaning "Oath to Zaid"
BenacazónBanī al-Qassummeaning "Sons of Qassum"
BenadalidBanī Walīdmeaning "Sons of Walid"
BenaguasilBanī al-Wazirmeaning "Sons of the Vizier"
BenahavísBanī Khāvismeaning "Sons of the Abyssinian"
BenalmádenaBanī al-Madinahmeaning "Sons of the Settlement"
BenarrabáBanī Arabmeaning "Sons of the Arab"
BinissalemBanī Salīmmeaning "Sons of Salim"
Borghettoal-Burjātahmeaning "(City) of the little Tower"
BragaBāb al-Ghārbiyyahmeaning "Gateway of the West" (obsolete)
BufalíAbu Alimeaning "Father of the Great"
BujalanceBurj al-Hānismeaning "Tower of the Strongholds"
CáceresQasr al-Azādmeaning "the free Castle"
Cadizal-Qādismeaning "the Judge's (City)"
CalamonaciQalāt al-Mānākhameaning "Castle of the Farm"
Calatafimi-SegestaQalāt al-Fīmīmeaning "Castle of Euphemius"
CalatañazorQalāt al-Nāzurmeaning "Castle of the Hawk"
CalatayudQalāt Ayyūbmeaning "Fort of Ayyub"
Calatrava la ViejaQalāt ar-Rabāhmeaning "Fort of Rabah"
CaltabellottaQalāt al-Bāludmeaning "Castle of the Oaks"
CaltagironeQalāt al-Janūmmeaning "Fort of the Jinns"
CaltanisettaQalāt al-Nīssameaning "Fort of the Women"
CaltavuturoQalāt Abu Tawīrmeaning "Fort of Abu Tawir"
CanicattìHāndāq at-Tīnmeaning "Gravel pit"
CartagenaQārtājin al-Khalfameaning "Carthago of the Caliph"
Cassaroal-Qasrmeaning "the Castle"
CiezaMadinah al-Siyāsāmeaning "City of Rule"
CuencaMadinah Qunqameaning "City of Qunqa"
Cuevas del AlmanzoraQaīfa al-Mānsurmeaning "Caves of the Victorious"
DarocaQalāt al-Dawrajāhmeaning "Fort of the Portal"
DeiàQasr al-Daīameaning "Castle of the Field"
Farajánal-Fārkhānmeaning "the Joyful"
FátimaFātīmahmeaning "(City of) Fatima"
GenalguacilJannat al-Wāzirmeaning "Garden of the Vizier"
GeneralifeJannat al-Arīfmeaning "Garden of the Architect"
Getafeal-Jādāfihmeaning "the Long"
GibraltarJabal al-Tarīqmeaning "Mountain of Tariq"
GranadaGirnātahmeaning "the Pomegranate"
GuadalajaraWādī al-Khajārameaning "Valley of Stones"
GuadalcanalWādi al-Khānnāmeaning "Valley of the Stalls"
GuadalcázarWādi al-Qasrmeaning "Valley of the Castle"
GuadalevínWadī al-Labālmeaning "Valley of Milk"
GuadalquivirWādi al-Qabīrmeaning "Great Valley"
GuadasequiesWadi al-Sukkārmeaning "the Blind Valley"
GuadixWādi al-Ashmeaning "the Wadi of Life"
ÍscarHisn al-Asqārmeaning "Stronghold of the Soldier"
JaénJayyānmeaning "Crossroads (of caravans)"
Kalsaal-Khalīsameaning "the Purest"
LascariMadinah al-Asqārimeaning "City of the Soldiers"
Castillo de LocubínHisn al-Uqbīnmeaning "Stronghold of the Eagle"
Lucenaal-Yussānameaning "the Blessed"
MacharaviayaMāshār Abu Yahyāmeaning "Court of Abu Yahya"
Madridal-Mājritmeaning "the Water Spring"
Marratxíal-Murāqshīmeaning "(People from) Marrakech"
MarsalaMarsā Alimeaning "Big Port" or "Port of Ali"
Mazara del Valloal-Māzārmeaning "the Grave"
Medina AzaharaMadinah az-Zāhrameaning "The Magnificent City" or "City of the Flower"
MedinaceliMadinah as-Salīmmeaning "City of Salim"
Medina-SidoniaMadinah ash-Shadūnameaning "City of Sidon"
MineoQasr al-Mināmeaning "Castle of Mina"
MisilmeriManzīl al-Amīrmeaning "Message of the Emir"
Nájeraal-Nājarrahmeaning "(City) Among the Rocks"
RegalbutoRākhbāl al-Abbūdmeaning "Farmhouse of Abbud"
Mairena del AljarafeMakhrāna al-Shārāfmeaning "the Borough of the Shepherd"
TarifaTarīfahmeaning "(City of) Tarif"
Taviraal-Tabīrahmeaning "the Hidden"
TenerifeTīn al-Arīfmeaning "Gravel of the Architect"
Torre AlháquimeBurj al-Hākīmmeaning "Tower of the Wise"
TrafalgarTārf al-Gharbmeaning "Cape of the West"
UbedaUbbayḏahmeaning "Servants of God"
ValladolidBalāt al-Walīdmeaning "Court of Walid"
Zafraaz-Zāfarahmeaning "the Harvest"
ZamoraMadinah az-Zemurahmeaning "City of the Turquoise"
Zisaal-Azīzmeaning "the Magnificent"

See also

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