Antonio Gala Foundation

The Antonio Gala Foundation for Young Artists (Fundación Antonio Gala para jóvenes artistas) is a private non-profit organization dedicated to fostering artistic creation . It is registered in the Register of Foundations of the Ministry of Culture of Spain , recognizing the general interest of its purposes.

Founded by writer Antonio Gala in the city of Cordoba , it is headquartered in the Convent of Corpus Christi, built in the seventeenth century . The motto of the Foundation is a verse in Latin the "Song of Songs": " It puts me cor tuum ut signaculum Super" or "Set me as a seal upon your heart." Its main sponsor is the Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Córdoba ( CajaSur )


  • Antonio Gala Foundation announces the twenty seats annually for young artists between eighteen and twenty-five in Spanish.
  • The artists reside for a year at the headquarters of the Foundation, where artists are selected for one-year scholarship to pursue freedom and coexistence in their literary, musical or art projects.
  • The Foundation does not have teachers, but artists receive lectures and visit already established artists who guide them and advise.


  • President: Antonio Gala.
  • Patrons born: Angel Maria Cañadilla Moyano, Teodulfo Lagunero .
  • Patrons elected: Francisco Moreno Crespo, Anton Garcia Abril, José Guirao Cabrera, Jesus Badenes River, Angela González López de Carrizosa, Luis Cardenas Garcia.
  • Secretary of the Board: José María Gala.
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