Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas

First edition cover of Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas
Author Bob Ong
Country Philippines
Language Tagalog
Genre humor, biography
Publisher Visual Print Enterprises
Publication date
Media type Print paperback
ISBN 971-92342-1-0
OCLC 57417594
Preceded by Bakit Baligtad Magbasa ng Libro ang mga Pilipino?
Followed by Alamat ng Gubading

Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas (The Favorite Book of Judas) or The Black Book is a 2003 semi-biography book by Filipino author Bob Ong. It was his third published work and the first book where he first introduces fiction to his readers.


Each chapter title is an anagram of the 7 deadly/capital sins:

Chapter 1Veny - Envy
Chapter 2Geran - Anger
Chapter 3Depir - Pride
Chapter 4Ventocoseuss - Covetousness
Chapter 5Tuls - Lust
Chapter 6Gynottul - Gluttony
Chapter 7Holts - Sloth

Each chapter tells a story, the theme of which is the deadly sin corresponding to its title.

The book is also divided into two different types—first is fiction; the conversation scenes between the man who committed suicide and the other one, that he didn't recognize if it is God he was talking to, or if it is just Lucifer tricking him. The other one is non-fiction, in which the narration of the author's point of view.

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