Amavasu Dynasty

Chandravansha (Lunar Dynasty)

King Pururavas was the founder of Chandravansha (Lunar Dynasty). He founded Lunar Dynasty in Treta Yuga. According to Ramayana and Mahabharata, King Pururavas was the son of Ila and Budha.

Amavasu Dynasty

Amavasu was the second son of Pururavas and Urvashi The most notable descendants of Amavasu were Sage Vishwamitra and Vasu. He married his stepsister Achchoda. His son was Kanyakubja who was the founder of Kannauj. His descendants founded Kanyakubja (Kannauj) and Gaya (Bihar).

  1. Amavasu
  2. Kanyakubja
  3. Visvajit (A great Rajarishi who introduced Visvajit sacrifice)
  4. Bhima and Naganajit were the sons of Vishvajit Rajarishi
  5. Kanchana Prabha
  6. Suhotra
  7. Jahnu
  8. Sunaha
  9. Ajaka
  10. Balakashva
  11. Kusha
  12. Kushanabha, Athurtharajas and Khecchar Vasu (Friend of Indra).
  13. Amrutyasa (son of Athurtharajas), Kushamba (son of Kushanabha)
  14. Gaya (the son of Amrutaryasa who founded Gaya which is now in Bihar) and Gadhi (the Son of Kushamba who succeeded his father in Kanyakubja).
  15. Kushika was the son of Gadhi.
  16. Vishwaratha (Vishwamitra or Kaushika)
  17. Ashtaka and Shakuntala.


    • The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose, Bharata Press, Calcutta (1883–1896)
    • J.P. Mittal, History Of Ancient India (A New Version) : From 7300 Bb To 637 Ad

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