Adyghe nouns

This article describes the properties of nouns in the Adyghe language.


Noun cases

Plurality is indicated by the suffix '-хэ' /-xa/

  • кӏалэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮa] ('boy') becomes кӏалэхэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮaxa] ('boys').
  • шы [ʃə] ('horse') becomes шыхэ [ʃəxa] ('horses').

Adyghe also declines nouns into four different cases, each with corresponding suffixes: absolutive, ergative, instrumental, and Adverbial.

Case Suffix example
Cyrillic IPA
Absolutive р /r/ кӏалэр [t͡ʃʼaːɮar] ('the boy')
Ergative-Oblique м /m/ кӏалэм [t͡ʃʼaːɮam] ('the boy's')
Instrumental (м)кӏэ /(m)t͡ʃʼa/ кӏалэмкӏэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮamt͡ʃʼa] ('using the boy')
Adverbial эу /aw/ кӏалэу [t͡ʃʼaɮaw] ('boy')

Absolutive case

Has the suffix ~р /~r/ (e.g. кӏалэр [t͡ʃʼaːɮar] 'the boy', кӏалэхэр [t͡ʃʼaːɮaxar] ('the boys')). It acts as the subject of intransitive verbs and the direct object of transitive verbs. A noun in the absolutive case also indicate that its state is being changed by verb, i.e. they are either created, altered, moved or ended by the verb. This case has two main functions:

the boy (abs.)the school (erg.)(s)he went
"the boy went to the school"
the woman (erg.)the shirt (abs.)(s)he cleans
"the woman cleans the shirt"

Ergative-Oblique case

Has the suffix -м /-m/ (e.g. кӏалэм [t͡ʃʼaːɮam] 'the boy's', кӏалэхэм [t͡ʃʼaːɮaxam] 'the boys). It has two main roles: Ergative role and Oblique role.

  • The Ergative role marks the subject of transitive verbs. They cause the object to change by doing the verb.
the woman (erg.)the shirt (abs.)(s)he cleans
"the woman cleans the shirt"
  • The Oblique role marks the indirect object of intransitive verbs.
the boy (abs.)the book (obl.)(s)he reads
"the boy reads the book"
  • The Ergative-Oblique case can also be used to mark the noun that possesses a property or an attribute.
the boy (erg.)his housebeautiful
"the house of the boy is beautiful"
  • The Ergative-Oblique case can also be used to mark a location.
    • чылэ /t͡ʃəɮa/ village → чылэм /t͡ʃəɮam/ in the village
    • мэзахэ /mazaːxa/ dark → мэзахэм /mazaːxam/ in the dark
    • чэщы /t͡ʃəɕə/ night → чэщым /t͡ʃəɕəm/ in the night.
    • пчэдыжьы /pt͡ʃadəʑə/ morning → пчэдыжьым /pt͡ʃadəʑəm/ in the morning.
    • зэман /zamaːn/ distant past → зэманым /zamaːnəm/ in the distant past.
yesterdaythe village (erg.)I was there
"Yesterday I was in the village"
the man (arg.)in the forest(erg.)(s)he is standing in
"The man is in the forest"

Instrumental–directional case

Has the suffix -мкӏэ /mt͡ʃʼa/ or -кӏэ /t͡ʃʼa/ (e.g. кӏалэмкӏэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮamt͡ʃʼa] 'using the boy', кӏалэкӏэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮat͡ʃʼa] 'using a boy', кӏалэхэмкӏэ [t͡ʃaːɮaxamt͡ʃʼa] 'using the boys', кӏалэхэкӏэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮaxat͡ʃʼa] 'using boys').

  • Marking the instrument or tool of action:
    • къэлэм /qalam/ pencil → къэлэмкӏэ /qalamt͡ʃʼa/ using a pencil.
    • къэлэм /qalam/ pencil → къэлэмымкӏэ /qalaməmt͡ʃʼa/ using the pencil.
    • уатэ /waːta/ hammer → уатэкӏэ /waːtat͡ʃʼa/ using a hammer.
    • уатэ /waːta/ hammer → уатэмкӏэ /waːtamt͡ʃʼa/ using the hammer.
his name (abs.)pencil (ins.)he wrote
"he wrote his name with the pencil"
binocular (ins.)(s)he is seeing
"(s)he is seeing with (using) the binocular"
boy (arg.)using Adyghe language (ins.)(s)he is speaking
"The boy is speaking (using) Adyghe language."
  • Marking the direction of action:
    • гъогу /ʁʷaɡʷ/ road → гъогумкӏэ /ʁʷaɡʷəmt͡ʃʼa/ from the road (direction).
    • унэ /wəna/ house → унэмкӏэ /wənamt͡ʃʼa/ from the house.
    • хы /xə/ sea → хымкӏэ /xəmt͡ʃʼa/ from the sea (direction).
    • Америкэ /aːmerika/ America → Америкэмкӏэ /aːmerikamt͡ʃʼa/ from America (direction).
sea (ins.)the wind (abs.)come
"the wind comes from the sea."
house(ins.)the boys (abs.)they are going
"The boys are going toward the house's direction."

Adverbial case

Has the suffix -эу /aw/ (e.g. кӏалэу [t͡ʃʼaːɮaw] 'boy'), шэу [ʃaw] 'horse'). This case has a number of functions:

  • Marking the profession or role of the subject:
man (abs.)as a teacher (adv.)(s)he is working
"The man is working as a teacher."
as a boy (adv.)whatthisthe thing you say about this
"As a boy, what you think about this?"
man (abs.)as a hunter (adv.) forest (erg.)(s)he is standing among them
"The man is in the forest as a hunter."
  • Marking the subject that is doing a certain action :
man (adv.)forest (erg.)the one that is standing in (erg.)gun(s)he has a
"The man that is in the forest has a gun."
[xawt͡səfəxae qəpdaːkʷʼaxarar]
whothe people (adv.)the ones that come with you
"Who are the people that are coming with you?"
  • Marking the thing the subject become :
man (abs.)professor (adv.)(s)he became
"The man became a professor."
your facered (adv.)(s)he became
"Your face became red."


Adyghe is a pro-drop language. The subject and the object pronouns are sometimes omitted when verb conjugations reflect number and person.

  • Both subject and object are mentioned :
the boy (erg.)the girl (abs.)(s)he is seeing
"the boy is seeing the girl"
  • If the direct object is dropped :
the boy (erg.)(s)he is seeing
"the boy is seeing him/her/it"
  • If the subject is dropped :
the girl (abs.)(s)he is seeing
"(s)he is seeing the girl"
  • Both subject and object are dropped :
(s)he is seeing
"(s)he is seeing him/her/it"

Noun and adjective

In Adyghe, if a noun is accompanied by an adjective, the adjective is placed after the noun and it takes the noun case suffix.

  • Absolutive case
girlthe pretty (abs.)(s)he is going
"the pretty girl is going"
  • Ergative case
boythe long (erg.)he is eating a/thethe apple (abs.)
"the long boy is eating the apple"
  • Instrumental case
pencilsharp (ins.)I am writing
"I am writing with (using) the sharp pencil"
  • Adverbial case
пшъашъэрпшъэшъэ дахэумэхъущт
[pʂaːʂarpʂaʂa daːxawmaχʷəɕt]
the girl (abs.)pretty girl (adv.)(s)he will turn
"the girl will become a pretty girl"


Participles in Adyghe are formed by adding any of the noun cases to the verbs. It is possible to indicate the subject or the object of a verb as a noun.

For example, макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ "(s)he is going" to макӏорэр /maːkʷʼarar/ "the one that is going". The forms of nouns that were created from verbs in different grammatical cases are equal to the forms of the appropriate verbs. The same is also true for their time-tenses, for example :

the one that is going (erg.)(s)he sawherethe one that slept at that place (abs.)
"The one who is going saw the one that slept here."

Because Adyghe is an ergative–absolutive language, the transitivity of the verb is the main factor determining the choice of the subject case, meaning the subject or the object of a verb can take different cases depending whatever the verb is intransitive or transitive.

There are two ways to form a participle:

  • Adding the suffix ~рэ to a verb.
  • Adding the prefix з~ and the suffix ~рэ to a verb.

In intransitive verbs, the suffix ~рэ indicates an indefinite subject, while combination of the prefix з~ and the suffix ~рэ indicate an indefinite object:

  • мак1орэ - "the one who is going"
  • еплъырэ - "the one who is looking"
  • дэгущы1эрэ - "the one who is speaking with"
  • зеплъырэ - "the one (s)he is looking at"
  • здэгущы1эрэ - "the one (s)he is speaking with"

In transitive verbs, the suffix ~рэ indicates an indefinite object, while combination of the prefix з~ and the suffix ~рэ indicate an indefinite subject:

  • ылъэгъурэ - "the one (s)he is seeing"
  • ышхырэ - "the thing (s)he is eating"
  • ыдзырэ - "the thing (s)he throws"
  • зылъэгъурэ - "the one who sees it"
  • зышхырэ - "the one who eats it"
  • зыдзырэ - "the one who throws it"

Thus to summarize, the following table shows when it indicates an indefinite subject and when it indicates an indefinite object:

Prefix Suffix Intransitive verbs Transitive verbs
- ~рэ Indefinite subject Indefinite object
з~ ~рэ Indefinite object Indefinite subject

Here are some more couple examples in both transitive and intransitive verbs:

Verb Absolutive case noun Ergative case noun
Cyrillic IPA Meaning Cyrillic IPA Meaning
макӏо макӏорэ maːkʷʼara the one that is going - - -
еплъы еплъырэ japɬəra the one that is looking at зеплъырэ zajpɬəra the thing (s)he is looking at
еджэ еджэрэ jad͡ʒara the one that is reading it зеджэрэ zajd͡ʒara the thing (s)he is reading
ешхы ишхырэ jəʃxəra the thing (s)he is eating зишхырэ zəjʃxəra the one that is eating it
елъэгъу илъэгъурэ jəɬaʁʷra the thing (s)he is seeing зилъэгъурэ zəjɬaʁʷra the one that is seeing it
реты ритырэ rəjtra the thing (s)he is giving to him зритырэ zrəjtra the one (s)he is giving it to
  • Examples of sentences with intransitive verbs :
the boy (erg.)the one that is looking at him/herthe girl (abs.)
"the one that is looking at the boy is the girl."
boy (abs.)book (adv.)the thing (s)he is reading (erg.)look
"look at the book the boy is reading."
  • Examples of sentences with transitive verbs :
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam jəɬaʁʷərarpʂaːʂar]
boy (erg.)the one (s)he is seeingthe girl (abs.)
"the one the boy is seeing is the girl."
whichperson (adv.)the one you killed (abs.)
"which person have you killed?"

Ownership зи-

To indicate the ownership of a certain noun, the noun gets the prefix зи- (zəj-), for example :

  • икӏалэ /t͡ʃ'aːɮa/ - his/her boy → зикӏалэ /zəjt͡ʃʼaːɮa/ - the one the boy belongs to (father or mother).
  • иӏанэ /ʔaːna/ - his/her table → зиӏанэ /zəjʔaːna/ - the owner of the table.
  • ицӏэ /t͡sʼa/ - his/her name → зицӏэ /zəjt͡sʼa/ - the owner of the name (a person with the name)
whothe one who namedTom (name)
"Who is the one named Tom?"
thisthe owner of the car(s)he told medon't touch it (said to plural)
"The owner of this car told me that you (plural) shouldn't touch it."
house (abs.)the owner ofa man
"The owner of the house is a man."

Creating nouns from adjective

In Adyghe someone (person) or something (animal, plant, object) that have a specific adjective can be

presented with the adjective word with the additional noun case suffix (absolutive, ergative, etc.) For


  • дахэ /daːxa/ - pretty → дахэр /daːxar/ - the pretty person (absolutive case).
  • ашӏу /aːʃʷʼə/ - tasty → ашӏухэр /aːʃʷʼəxar/ - the tasty ones (absolutive case).
  • мэзахэ /mazaːxa/ - dark → мэзахэм /mazaːxam/ - in the dark (ergative case).
  • чъыӏэ /t͡ʂəʔa/ - cold → чъыӏэм /t͡ʂəʔam/ - in the cold (ergative case).
the strong ones (abs.)our housemake them come
"bring the strong ones to our house"
house (erg.)get inside (to plural)the cold (erg.)it will make you (plural) sick
"get inside the house, the cold will make you sick (said to plural)"
the sick ones (egs.)call them (said to plural)firstly
"First call the sick ones. (said to plural)"

In Adyghe any adjective that is measurable or comparable can be turned into a noun by adding the

suffix -агъэ /-aːʁa/, for example:

  • дахэ /daːxa/ - pretty → дахагъэ /daːxaːʁa/ - beauty.
  • кӏуачӏэ /kʷʼaːt͡ʃʼa/ - strong → кӏуачӏагъэ /kʷʼaːt͡ʃʼaːʁa/ - strength.
  • псао /psaːwa/ - whole, fine → псэуагъэ /psawaːʁa/ - health condition.
  • делэ /dajla/ - fool → делагъэ /dajlaːʁa/ - foolishness.
  • псынкӏэ /psənt͡ʃʼa/ - fast → псынкӏагъэ /psənt͡ʃʼaːʁa/ - speed.
  • ӏазэ /ʔaːza/ - skilled → ӏэзагъэ /ʔazaːʁa/ - skill.
[sijaːnajipsawaːʁa səfaɡʷaːʔa]
my motherhis/her health conditionI worry for him/her
"The worry for my mother's health condition"
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