''Acer campestre'' 'Elegant'

Acer campestre
Cultivar 'Elegant'
Origin Netherlands

The Field Maple Acer campestre cultivar 'Elegant' was released by the Gelderse Nursery in Opheusden, Netherlands in 1990.[1]


The tree grows to a height of < 15 m, and has a compact, slender, ovoid crown comprising ascending branches, making it particularly suitable as a street tree.[1]


As with the species, 'Compactum' thrives best in a semi shade position, on a fertile, well-drained soil.


'Elegant' is probably synonymous with 'Huibers Elegant'.


None known.


  1. 1 2 "Straßenbaumtest in den Niederlanden". www.galk.de. Archived from the original on 2015-06-21. Retrieved 2015-06-21.

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