A History of Britain (book)

A History of Britain
Cover of the first volume
Author Simon Schama
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Subject British history
Published 2000 (first volume)
2001 (second volume)
2002 (third volume)

A History of Britain is a three volume work written by Simon Schama to accompany a series of documentaries he presented for the BBC.

The volumes are:

  • A History of Britain I: At the Edge of the World? 3000 BCAD 1603 (BBC, 2000, ISBN 0-563-48714-3)
  • A History of Britain II: The British Wars 16031776 (BBC, 2001, ISBN 0-563-48718-6)
  • A History of Britain III: The Fate of Empire 17762000 (BBC, 2002, ISBN 0-563-48719-4)

See also

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