1st Electoral Unit of Republika Srpska

1st electoral unit of Republika Srpska
House of Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina Constituency
Current constituency
Created 2000
Seats 3
  •      Ðorðo Krčmar (SDS)
  •      Nikоla Špirić (SNSD)
  •      Dušаnка Mаjкić (SNSD)

The first electoral unit of Republika Srpska is a parliamentary constituency used to elect members to the House of Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2000.


Convocation Representatives
2000-2002 Mirко Bаnjаc
Brаnко Dокić
Žеljко Mirjаnić
2002-2006 Mоmčilо Nоvakоvić
Nikоla Špirić
Đоrđо Кrčmar
2006-2010 Drago Kalabić
2010-2014 Bоrislаv Bоjić
Dušаnка Mаjкić
2014-2018 Ðorðo Krčmar

Election results

2010 election

Party Votes % Mandates
Alliance of Independent Social Democrats13323455.522
Serb Democratic Party3646515.191
Progressive Democratic Party11624.840
Party for Bosnia and Herzegovina11154.590
Democratic People's Alliance92893.870
Serbian Radical Party85113.550
Party of Democratic Action55742.320
Pensioners' Party- DNS47121.960
Social Democratic Party32851.370
Socialist Party26831.120
People's Party for Work and Betterment25531.060
Serb Democratic Movement22810.950
Croatian Party of Rights8590.360
New Serbian Force8510.350
DSS- Serb Democratic Party7440.310
Youth Political Movement4500.190
European Ecological Party2340.100
Democratic People's Union1980.080
Civil Democratic Party1690.070
Patriotic Party1340.060
Total valid219637100

2002 election

Party Votes Mandates
Alliance of Independent Social Democrats785042
Serb Democratic Party619771

2000 election

Party Votes Mandates
Serb Democratic Party860101
Party of Democratic Progress451831
Alliance of Independent Social Democrats398571


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