< Writing Adolescent Fiction < Character names

Usage note

Micronesia, sensu lato, is an ethno-linguistic grouping (teamed up with Polynesia and Melanesia) that includes Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands (Saipan and Tinian), the Marshall Islands, Palau, and the Federated States of Micronesia. The word can also mean the country known as the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), which includes Chuuk, Pohnpei, Yap, Kosrae, and Ulithi.

Most people in Micronesian countries today have English first names (John, Jim, Paul, Peter, Tom, Brandon, Brian, Kate, Julie, Mary, Anne, Jessica, Taylor, Michelle, etc.), but there are a few first names peculiar to these ethnic groups.

Girls’ names

  • Achina (Chuukese)
  • Andelina (Chuukese)
  • Emelihter (Pohnpeian)
  • Isa (Guamanian)
  • Lihen (Pohnpeian)
  • Mihter (Pohnpeian)
  • Runica (Marshallese)
  • Tana (Chuukese, Guamanian)
  • Tulpe (Kosraean)
  • Yoana (Pohnpeian: Joanna)
  • Daiana ( Chuukese )
  • Weireen ( Chuukese )
  • Welryn ( Chuukese )
  • Lorleen ( Chuukese )

Boys’ names

  • Adai (Guamanian)
  • Adao (Guamanian)
  • Alik (Kosraean)
  • Cent (Marshallese)
  • Eiken (Pohnpeian)
  • Falthin (Yapese)
  • Hostino (Kosraean)
  • Kasian (Chuukese)
  • Langidrik (Marshallese)
  • Lepalik (Kosraean)
  • Likiaksa (Kosraean)
  • Lipiak (Kosraean)
  • Malem (Kosraean)
  • Marz (Chuukese)
  • Oldak (Palauan)
  • Polpisil (Pohnpeian)
  • Sa (Kosraean)
  • Salik (Kosraean)
  • Salpasr (Pohnpeian)
  • Tano (Guamanian)
  • Tulensru (Kosraean)

Guamanian (Chamorro) surnames

Most people in Guam have Hispanic, Filipino or other Pacific Islander surnames, but there are some with native names:

  • Acfalle
  • Aflague
  • Aguan
  • Agulto
  • Aguon
  • Ayuyu
  • Alepuyo
  • Alig
  • Angoco
  • Apatong
  • Atalig
  • Atoigue
  • Attao
  • Babauta
  • Baccam
  • Chaco
  • Charfauros
  • Chargualaf
  • Chatfaurus
  • Faisao
  • Fegurgur
  • Feharang
  • Gogue
  • Gogui
  • Gumataotao
  • Hocog
  • Laguana
  • Limtiaco
  • Lizama
  • Mafnas
  • Manglona
  • Manibusan
  • Mantanona
  • Masga
  • Matanane
  • Mesngon
  • Namauleg
  • Naputi
  • Nauta
  • Nededog
  • Ogo
  • Ooka
  • Pinauala
  • Pocaigue
  • Quenga
  • Quichocho
  • Quichuchu
  • Quidachay
  • Quinata
  • Quinene
  • Quitano
  • Quitugua
  • Songao
  • Taga
  • Taijeron
  • Taimanao
  • Taimanglo
  • Tainatongo
  • Taisacan
  • Taisague
  • Taisatano
  • Taisatingfong
  • Taitague
  • Taitano
  • Taitingfong
  • Tajalle
  • Tatlahe
  • Tedtaotao
  • Terlaje
  • Topasna
  • Toves

Northern Mariana Islander surnames

The majority of Northern Mariana Islanders have Hispanic or Filipino surnames.

  • Ada
  • Angui
  • Apatang
  • Aquiningoc
  • Arriola
  • Atalig
  • Attao
  • Ayuyu
  • Babauta
  • Borja
  • Camacho
  • Cing
  • Dela Cruz
  • De Leon Guerrero
  • Delos Reyes
  • Demapan
  • Duenas
  • Falig
  • Fejeran
  • Fitial
  • Fujihira
  • Guerrero
  • Hocog
  • Igibara
  • Iginoef
  • Igisaiar
  • Igisomar
  • Igitol
  • Iguel
  • Ilo
  • Inos
  • Itaman
  • Itibus
  • Kaipat
  • Kaneshi
  • Kapileo
  • Kileleman
  • Laniyo
  • Lifoifoi
  • Limes
  • Lisua
  • Litulumar
  • Lizama
  • Magofna
  • Malite
  • Manahane
  • Mangabao
  • Mangarero
  • Manglona
  • Maratita
  • Masga
  • Matagolai
  • Mesngon
  • Mettao
  • Muna
  • Naputi
  • Nekaifes
  • Ngeskebei
  • Norita
  • Odoshi
  • Ogo
  • Ogumoro
  • Olaitiman
  • Olopai
  • Olupumar
  • Pangelinan
  • Parung
  • Pinaula
  • Pua
  • Rabauliman
  • Rangamar
  • Rapugao
  • Rebuenog
  • Repeki
  • Rogolifoi
  • Romolor
  • Sablan
  • Sakisat
  • Santa Maria
  • Santos
  • Saralu
  • Satur
  • Saures
  • Selepeo
  • Seman
  • Somol
  • Songao
  • Taga
  • Tagabuel
  • Taimanao
  • Taisacan
  • Taisakan
  • Taitano
  • Taman
  • Tebuteb
  • Teregeyo
  • Terlaje
  • Tomokane
  • Torres
  • Wabol

Marshallese surnames

  • Abon
  • Aine
  • Akilang
  • Alee
  • Alik
  • Andrike
  • Anej
  • Aneo
  • Anien
  • Anitak
  • Anitok
  • Anjain
  • Anjerok
  • Anmontha
  • Anni
  • Antibas
  • Arelong
  • Bajo
  • Balos
  • Batlok
  • Bejang
  • Bellu
  • Binejal
  • Bobo
  • Bolkeim
  • Bunglick
  • Calep
  • Clanry
  • Dribo
  • Elcar
  • Erakdrik
  • Gold
  • Hanchor
  • Heine
  • Hemos
  • Henos
  • Ishoda
  • Jacklick
  • Jakeo
  • Jally
  • Janer
  • Jarom
  • Jeik
  • Jekkar
  • Jelke
  • Jerilong
  • Jetnil
  • Jetton
  • Jibas
  • Jibon
  • Jieta
  • Jinna
  • Jitiam
  • Joash
  • Joram
  • Joran
  • Jorlang
  • Juda
  • Kabua
  • Kaious
  • Kaisha
  • Kalles
  • Kaneko
  • Karben
  • Kattil
  • Keju
  • Kelen
  • Kilma
  • Kios
  • Konou
  • Korok
  • Kuli
  • Laibwij
  • Laiso
  • Lakabung
  • Lakjohn
  • Lakmij
  • Lalimo
  • Langbata
  • Langidrik
  • Langinbelik
  • Langrine
  • Lanwe
  • Lanwi
  • Latdrik
  • Latior
  • Leban
  • Leviticus
  • Libokmeto
  • Livai
  • Loeak
  • Lokboj
  • Lokeijak
  • Lokot
  • Lolin
  • Lomae
  • Lometo
  • Lorennij
  • Makroro
  • Malolo
  • Maun
  • Mea
  • Mejbon
  • Mojilong
  • Morelik
  • Naisher
  • Nenam
  • Note
  • Rakin
  • Rantak
  • Riklon
  • Rilang
  • River
  • Rubon
  • Saimon
  • Silk
  • Sorimle
  • Tabu
  • Tibon
  • Toring
  • Wase
  • Wonne
  • Zedkaia
  • Abner
  • Alex
  • Alfred
  • Allen
  • Andrew
  • Benjamin
  • Clarence
  • Clement
  • Daniel
  • David
  • Domnick
  • Edmond
  • Edward
  • Edwin
  • Enoch
  • Enos
  • George
  • Gideon
  • Harry
  • Henry
  • Hiram
  • Isaac
  • Jack
  • Jacob
  • James
  • Jesse
  • Joe
  • Joel
  • John
  • Johnny
  • Jonathan
  • Joseph
  • Leon
  • Lewis
  • Lucky
  • Luke
  • Luther
  • Maddison
  • Mark
  • Marshall
  • Matthew
  • Moses
  • Nathan
  • Ned
  • Paul
  • Peter
  • Phillip
  • Ralpho
  • Robert
  • Sam
  • Samson
  • Samuel
  • Thomas
  • Timothy
  • Titus
  • William

Palauan surnames

  • Adelbai
  • Aitaro
  • Andreas
  • Arurang
  • Asanuma
  • Basilius
  • Bultedaob
  • Decherong
  • Elbelau
  • Emesiochel
  • Etpison
  • Eungel
  • Fritz
  • Ililau
  • Katosang
  • Kloulechad
  • Kloulubak
  • Kuartei
  • Kumangai
  • Kyota
  • Malsol
  • Mariur
  • Mesubed
  • Napil
  • Ngiraibai
  • Ngirailemesang
  • Ngiraingas
  • Ngiraked
  • Ngirakesau
  • Ngiralmau
  • Ngirausui
  • Ngirchoimei
  • Ngirmang
  • Ngirmeril
  • Ngirmidol
  • Ngiruchelbad
  • Ngotel
  • Oiterong
  • Olkeriil
  • Ongrung
  • Orrukem
  • Raikadroka
  • Ramarui
  • Rechelluul
  • Reklai
  • Remelik
  • Remengesau
  • Remoket
  • Rengiil
  • Rengulbai
  • Ruluked
  • Sbal
  • Sikyang
  • Soalablai
  • Subris
  • Tellames
  • Tellei
  • Temengil
  • Teriong
  • Tmetuchl
  • Toribiong
  • Udui
  • Ulengchong

Other Micronesian surnames

The majority of people in the Federated States of Micronesia have English, German, Scandinavian, Hispanic or Japanese surnames.

  • Akapito (Chuukese)
  • Akkin (Chuukese)
  • Alik (Kosraean)
  • Apaisam (Pohnpeian)
  • Defang (Pohnpeian)
  • Eperiam (Pohnpeian)
  • Etse (Pohnpeian)
  • Falan (Yapese)
  • Falcam (Pohnpeian)
  • Giltamag (Yapese)
  • Hetiback (Chuukese)
  • Ifamilik (Pohnpeian)
  • Ioanis (Pohnpeian)
  • Ittu (Pohnpeian)
  • Kihleng (Pohnpeian)
  • Kohper (Pohnpeian)
  • Kusto (Pohnpeian)
  • Lengsi (Pohnpeian)
  • Likiaksa (Kosraean)
  • Lipai (Pohnpeian)
  • Lippwe (Ulithian)
  • Livaie (Kosraean)
  • Luckymis (Kosraean)
  • Maipi (Chuukese)
  • Mongkeya (Kosraean)
  • Musrasrik (Pohnpeian)
  • Nanpei (Pohnpeian)
  • Narruhn (Pohnpeian)
  • Nena (Kosraean)
  • Otoko (Chuukese)
  • Palemar (Yapese)
  • Palsis (Kosraean)
  • Panuel (Pohnpeian)
  • Panuelo (Pohnpeian)
  • Pelep (Pohnpeian)
  • Ponapart (Pohnpeian)
  • Salik (Kosraean)
  • Setik (Chuukese)
  • Sigrah (Kosraean)
  • Silbanuz (Pohnpeian)
  • Silo ( Chuukese )
  • Susaia (Pohnpeian)
  • Taulung (Kosraean)
  • Tilfas (Pohnpeian)
  • Tihpen (Pohnpeian)
  • Tolenoa (Kosraean)
  • Tosie (Kosraean)
  • Tulensru (Kosraean)
  • Umandal (Pohnpeian)
  • Waguk (Kosraean)
  • Wakup (Kosraean)
  • Wichep (Pohnpeian)

First names as Micronesian surnames

Many people in the FSM have surnames such as these:

  • Abraham
  • Albert
  • Arnold
  • Augustine
  • Benjamin
  • Carl
  • Charley
  • Daniel
  • David
  • Edgar
  • Edmund
  • Edward
  • Elias
  • Felix
  • Fredrick
  • Fritz
  • George
  • Henry
  • Isaac
  • Jack
  • Jacob
  • James
  • Jimmy
  • Joe
  • Joel
  • John
  • Johnny
  • Joseph
  • Ken
  • Leopold
  • Manuel
  • Marcus
  • Martin
  • Mason
  • Mathias
  • Mauricio
  • Miguel
  • Mike
  • Moses
  • Norman
  • Pablo
  • Paul
  • Peter
  • Phillip
  • Raymond
  • Robert
  • Ruben
  • Rudolph
  • Salvador
  • Sam
  • Samuel
  • Seymour
  • Solomon
  • Stephen
  • Thomas
  • Timothy
  • Victor
  • William
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