< World War II < Asian Theater

In the opening decades of the twentieth century, China was to play a part in East Asian politics not dissimilar to that played by the Balkan states in European politics: it was a forum for great-power rivalry, dissent, and - eventually - open hostilities.


  • 1919 - "May 4th" movement launched by Chinese student protesters
  • 1921 - Chinese Communist Party formed
  • 1921-22 - Washington Conference attempts to regulate situation in East Asia
  • 1924 - Kuomintang government established in Guangzhou
  • 1926 - Chiang Kai-shek begins reunification of China (Northern Expedition)
  • 1927 - Chiang Kai-shek suppresses Communists at Shanghai
  • 1930 - Chiang Kai-shek launches operations against Chinses Communists
  • 1934 - Long March of Chinese Communists begins
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