< World History

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M/J World History

A. Major Concepts/Content. The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the development of the world community within the context of history by examining their connections to the past to prepare for the future as participating members of a global society. Students will use knowledge of history, geography, economics, political processes, religion, ethics, diverse cultures, and humanities to solve problems in academic, civic, social, and employment settings. The content must include, but not be limited to, the following:

-development of civilizations in historical and geographical settings

-individuals and events that have significantly influenced culture and history

-major political, economic, social, and religious beliefs and institutions of selected Eastern and Western cultures

This course must integrate the Goal 3 Student Performance Standards of the Florida System of School Improvement and Accountability as appropriate to the content and processes of the subject matter.

After successfully completing this course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate understanding of how significant experiences of the past shape contemporary civilizations.

SS.A.2.3.1 understand how language, ideas, and institutions of one culture can influence other cultures (e.g., through trade, exploration, and immigration).

SS.A.2.3.2 know how major historical developments have had an impact on the development of civilizations.

SS.A.2.3.7 know significant achievements in art and architecture invarious urban areas and communities to the time of the Renaissance (e.g., the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, pyramids in Egypt, temples in ancient Greece, bridges and aqueducts in ancient Rome, changes in European art and architecture between the Middle Ages and the High Renaissance).

SS.A.3.3.1 understand ways in which cultural characteristics have been transmitted from one society to another (e.g., through art, architecture, language, other artifacts, traditions, beliefs, values, and behaviors).

SS.A.3.3.2 understand the historical events that have shaped the development of cultures throughout the world.

2. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of physical and cultural geography on the development of civilizations.

SS.A.2.3.4 understand the impact of geographical factors on the historical development of civilizations.

SS.A.2.3.6 know the major events that shaped the development of various cultures (e.g., the spread of agrarian societies, population movements, technological and cultural innovation, and the emergence of new population centers).

SS.A.3.3.3 know how physical and human geographic factors have influenced major historical events and movements.

SS.B.1.3.5 know ways in which the spatial organization of a society changes over time.

SS.B.2.3.2 know the human and physical characteristics of different places in the world and how these characteristics change over time.

3. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of significant people, places, ideas, and events on the development of values, traditions, and social, economic, and political institutions in selected Eastern and Western civilizations.

SS.A.2.3.5 know significant historical leaders who shaped the development of early cultures (e.g., military, political, and religious leaders in various civilizations).

SS.A.2.3.8 know the political, social, and economic institutions that characterized the significant aspects of Eastern and Western civilizations. SS.A.3.3.4 know significant historical leaders who have influenced the course of events in Eastern and Western civilizations since the Renaissance.

4. Demonstrate understanding of current and historic events in relation to the experiences, contributions, and perspectives of diverse cultural and ethnic groups, such as Africans, slavery, and the Holocaust.

SS.A.2.3.6 know the major events that shaped the development of various cultures (e.g., the spread of agrarian societies, population movements, technological and cultural innovation, and the emergence of new population centers).

5. Demonstrate understanding of the processes used to create and interpret history.

SS.A.1.3.1 understand how patterns, chronology, sequencing (including cause and effect), and the identification of historical periods are influenced by frames of reference.

SS.A.1.3.2 know the relative value of primary and secondary sources and use this information to draw conclusions from historical sources such as data in charts, tables, graphs.

SS.A.1.3.3 know how to impose temporal structure on historical narratives.

6. Demonstrate understanding of the interactions among science, technology, and society within the context of World history.

SS.A.2.3.3 understand important technological developments and how they influenced human society.

SS.B.1.3.4 understand how factors such as culture and technology influence the perception of places and regions.

7. Apply research, study, critical-thinking, and decision-making skills and demonstrate the use of new and emerging technology in problem solving.

SS.B.1.3.1 use various map forms (including thematic maps) and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report geographic information including patterns of land use, connections between places, and patterns and processes of migration and diffusion.

SS.B.1.3.2 use mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environments. (Note: In this course, students will have opportunities to apply skills described in language arts and mathematics benchmarks that pertain to this requirement.)

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