< Welsh < Sylfaen

Sgwrs A

Adolygu Gramadeg

Y Presennol

Pronoun Affirmative Negative Interrogative Yes No
Fi Dw i Dw i ddim Ydw i? Ydw (I am. I do) Nac ydw (I am not. I don't)
Ti Rwyt ti Dwyt ti ddim Wyt ti? Wyt (You are. You do) Nac wyt (You aren't. You don't.)
Fe Mae e Dyw e ddim Ydy e? Ydy (He is. He does) Nac ydy (He isn't. He doesn't.)
Hi Mae hi Dyw hi ddim Ydy hi? Ydy (She is. She does) Nac ydy (She isn't. She doesn't.)
Ni Dyn ni Ddyn ni ddim Ydyn ni? Ydyn (We are. We do) Nac ydyn (We aren't. We don't)
Chi Dych chi Dych chi ddim Ydych chi? Ydych (You are. You do) Nac ydych (You aren't. You don't.)
Nhw Maen nhw Dyn nhw ddim Ydyn nhw? Ydyn (They are. They do) Nac ydyn (They aren't. They don't)
  • Use the linking particle yn to connect verb-nouns.
  • Questions in Welsh are always answered with the appropriate form of the verb (I do, He does, etc.).


Radical (Original) Soft Mutation (ei ... e - his) Nasal Mutation (fy ... i - my) Aspirate Mutation (ei ... hi - her)
C Cath (cat) Ei gath e Fy nghath i Ei chath hi
P Pen (head) Ei ben e Fy mhen i Ei phen hi
T Tad (father) Ei dad e Fy nhad i Ei thad hi
B Bachgen (boy) Ei fachgen e Fy machgen i
D Dant (tooth) Ei ddant e Fy nant i
G Gardd (garden) Ei ardd e Fy ngardd i
Ll Llaw (hand) Ei law e
M Mam (mother) Ei fam e
Rh Rhaglen (programme) Ei raglen e

Uses of the Soft Mutation (encountered so far):

  • Feminine nouns (singular) after the definite article Y/yr/'r
  • The number two (dau/dwy)
  • The word his, as shown above (ei .... e)
  • Certain prepositions:
    • I (to)
    • O (from)

Uses of the Nasal Mutation (encountered so far):

  • After 'yn' (in)
  • After 'fy' (my), as shown above

Uses of the Aspirate Mutation (encountered so far):

  • After 'a' (and)
  • After 'ei' (her), as shown above

Y Gorffenol

Y Gorffenol (Mynd, Dod, Gwneud, Cael)
Pronoun Mynd Dod Gwneud Cael
Fi Es i Des i Gwnes i Ces i
Ti Est ti Dest ti Gwnest ti Cest ti
Fe Aeth e Daeth e Gwnaeth e Cafodd e
Ni Aethon ni Daethon ni Gwnaethon ni Cawson ni
Chi Aethoch chi Daethoch chi Gwnaethoch chi Cawsoch chi
Nhw Aethon nhw Daethon nhw Gwnaethon ni Cawson nhw
  • The 'yes' and 'no' responses for any past tense question are Do and Naddo.

Y Dyfodol

Pronoun Affirmative Negative Interrogative Yes No
Fi Bydda i Fydda i ddim Fydda i? Bydda (I will) Na fydda (I won't)
Ti Byddi di Fyddi di ddim Fyddi di? Byddi (You will) Na fyddi (You won't)
Fe Bydd e Fydd e ddim Fydd e? Bydd (He will) Na fydd (He won't)
Ni Byddwn ni Fyddwn ni ddim Fyddwn ni? Byddwn (We will) Na fyddwn (We won't)
Chi Byddwch chi Fyddwch chi ddim Fyddwch chi? Byddwch (You will) Na fyddwch (You won't)
Nhw Byddan nhw Fyddan nhw ddim Fyddan nhw? Byddan (They will) Na fyddan (They won't)

Sgwrs B

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