< Welsh

Welcome to the page for planning the Welsh Textbook. As with most textbooks, our Welsh one needs to be ordered and thorough and carefully planned. First things first, we should agree on a Lesson roadmap to start moving, followed by contributing content and standardising.

Lesson Roadmap

  • Lessons
    • Introductory Lessons
    1. Brief History of the Welsh Language
    2. The Alphabet
    3. Brief Preview of Mutations and Other Grammatical Features
    4. Greetings
    5. Numbers 1-10
    • Mynediad
    1. Lesson 1: 'What's your name?' Introducing yourself
      • Goals:
        • Be able to introduce yourself.
        • Ask for someone's name.
        • Ask how someone is.
        • Respond to the question 'How are you?' in various ways.
        • Ask what someone is (occupation)
        • Learn how to say what occupation you are
    2. Lesson 2: 'Where do you work?' Talking about yourself
      • Goals:
        • Ask where someone works.
        • Learn when to use 'chi' and 'ti'
        • Respond personally to the question 'Where do you work?' using 'mewn' and 'yn y/yr'
        • Learn about the definite article 'y/yr'
        • Ask what someone likes.
        • Talk about your interests.
        • Learn how to respond 'Yes, I do' and 'No, I don't'.
    3. Lesson 3: 'No, thank you.' Negative sentences
      • Goals:
        • Learn how to negate sentences.
        • Learn more verbs and ask more questions.
        • Expand vocabulary.
    4. Lesson 4: Talking about others.
      • Goals:
        • Learn all the pronouns and expand the present tense of 'to be'.
        • Make questions with 'bod' (to be)
        • Answer 'yes' and 'no' for all pronouns.
    5. Lesson 5: 'Where do you come from?' The soft mutation
      • Goals:
        • Ask where someone comes from.
        • Learn the soft mutation.
        • Respond to the question 'Where are you from?'
        • Ask where someone is going.
        • Say where you are going.
    6. Lesson 6: 'Do you have a car?' Possession
      • Goals:
        • Ask if someone has something using the 'Mae...gyda fi/gen i' pattern.
        • Say what you have and do not have.
        • Respond 'yes' or 'no' to whether you or someone else has or does not have something.
    7. Lesson 7: More numbers and plurals
      • Goals:
        • Count from 1 - 50.
        • Learn the difference between decimal and vigesimal numbers used in Welsh.
        • Learn how to say plurals in Welsh.
    8. Lesson 8: Telling the time and talking about the weather
      • Goals:
        • Ask what time it is.
        • Tell what time it is.
        • Say what time events are happening.
        • Talk about the weather.
    9. The Perfect Tense (Dwi wedi siarad)
    10. Past tense of 'go'
    11. Past tense of 'do'
    12. Past tense of 'cael'
    13. Past tense patterns, the stem
    14. Asking for things
    15. Expressing necessity
    16. Possessive pronoun 'his' and 'her' (introduction to aspirate mutation)
    17. Possessive pronoun 'my' (introduction to nasal mutation)
    18. Describing, using adjectives
    19. Basic commands
    • Sylfaen
    1. The Imperfect Tense (Roeddwn i)
    2. The Future Tense (Byddaf i)
    3. The Future Tense - Short Form (Tala i)
    4. The Conditional (Baswn i)
    5. Hoffwn/Gallwn/Dylwn
    6. The Passive Voice (Dwi'n cael fy nhalu)
    7. Comparisons (mor a, yn fwy, y fwya, etc.)
    8. Irregular Comparisons (gwaeth, gwell, etc.)
    • Canolradd
    1. Irregular commands
    2. Concise impersonal (Agorir yr ysgol, talwyd y plant)
    3. Verbs and preposition combinations (anfon at, ymweld a, etc.)
    4. Personal prepositions (iddo fe, iddi hi, etc.)
    • Uwch
    1. Points of Formal Welsh (Rywf, etc.)
    2. More on prepositions
    3. Noun clauses
    4. Examining word patterns and spellings (plural endings
  • Grammar References
    • Mutations
    • Gender
    • Verb Tables
    • Preposition Tables
  • Resources
    • Links
    • Computing in Welsh (typing accents, etc.)
    • Vocabulary Lists


  1. Address differences between North and South dialects in each lesson. Discuss differences in various dialects that the learner may come across.
  2. Address spoken versus formal Welsh. Discuss what is commonly heard versus what is formally correct.

Uploading Audio

We need fluent, native speakers to record dialogue and various word lists once they are finalised and complete! There will be several red audio links around the lessons which need dialogue recorded. Here's how to contribute:

Creating Audio Files

The best and most efficent format to use for recorded speech that is acceptable at Wikibooks is .ogg with the Speex codec.

First create a .wav file using the software that came with your microphone. Next you must convert the file to .ogg. To do this, first download the binary file here. Install it, open command prompt (start=>run=>cmd.exe), and type:

 x:\...\speexenc.exe x:\...\file.wav x:\...\file.ogg

where "x:\...\" is the directory of speexenc.exe, the location of the .wav file to be converted, and the soon-to-be location of the .ogg file. Replace "file" with the name of the .wav file.

Uploading the File to Wikibooks

  1. Click on the red audio link for which you recorded your audio.
  2. Click browse and find the .ogg file, choose a licence for your file, and click "upload file."
  3. Click "edit this page" at the top and add [[Category:Welsh Audio]] to the edit box.
  4. Click "Save page" then reload the page of the table you created audio for and make sure the "audio" link turns blue.


Below are some public domain resources from Google Books that may be useful in the expansion of this book:

This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.