< Umbraco < Reference

Umbraco.library v4.0.1

  • AddJquery()
  • AllowedGroups(Int32 documentId, String path)
  • ChangeContentType(String MimeType)
  • ContextKey(String key)
  • CultureExists(String cultureName)
  • GetCurrentDomains(Int32 NodeId)
  • GetCurrentMember()
  • GetDictionaryItem(String Key)
  • GetDictionaryItems(String Key)
  • GetHttpItem(String key)
  • GetItem(Int32 nodeID, String alias), GetItem(String alias)
  • GetMedia(Int32 MediaId, Boolean Deep)
  • GetMember(Int32 MemberId)
  • GetMemberName(Int32 MemberId)
  • GetNodeFromLevel(String path, Int32 level)
  • GetPreValueAsString(Int32 Id)
  • GetPreValues(Int32 DataTypeId)
  • GetPropertyTypeName(String ContentTypeAlias, String PropertyTypeAlias)
  • GetRandom(), GetRandom(Int32 seed)
  • GetRelatedNodes(Int32 NodeId)
  • GetRelatedNodesAsXml(Int32 NodeId)
  • GetXmlAll()
  • GetXmlDocument(String Path, Boolean Relative)
  • GetXmlDocumentByUrl(String Url)
  • GetXmlDocumentByUrl(String Url, Int32 CacheInSeconds)
  • GetXmlNodeById(String id)
  • GetXmlNodeByXPath(String xpathQuery)
  • GetXmlNodeCurrent()
  • HasAccess(Int32 NodeId, String Path)
  • HtmlEncode(String Text)
  • IsLoggedOn()
  • IsProtected(Int32 DocumentId, String Path)
  • LastIndexOf(String Text, String Value)
  • md5(String text)
  • NiceUrl(Int32 nodeID)
  • NiceUrlFullPath(Int32 nodeID)
  • PublishSingleNode(Int32 DocumentId)
  • PythonExecute(String expression)
  • PythonExecuteFile(String file)
  • QueryForNode(String id)
  • RefreshContent()
  • RegisterClientScriptBlock(String key, String script, Boolean addScriptTags)
  • RegisterJavaScriptFile(String key, String url)
  • RegisterStyleSheetFile(String key, String url)
  • RemoveFirstParagraphTag(String text)
  • RenderMacroContent(String Text, Int32 PageId)
  • RenderTemplate(Int32 PageId), RenderTemplate(Int32 PageId, Int32 TemplateId)
  • Replace(String text, String oldValue, String newValue)
  • ReplaceLineBreaks(String text)
  • RePublishNodes(Int32 nodeID)
  • RePublishNodesDotNet(Int32 nodeID), RePublishNodesDotNet(Int32 nodeID, Boolean SaveToDisk)
  • Request(String key)
  • RequestCookies(String key)
  • RequestForm(String key)
  • RequestQueryString(String key)
  • RequestServerVariables(String key)
  • SendMail(String FromMail, String ToMail, String Subject, String Body, Boolean IsHtml)
  • Session(String key)
  • SessionId()
  • setCookie(String key, String value)
  • setSession(String key, String value)
  • Split(String StringToSplit, String Separator)
  • StripHtml(String text)
  • Tidy(String StringToTidy, Boolean LiveEditing)
  • TruncateString(String Text, Int32 MaxLength, String AddString)
  • UnPublishSingleNode(Int32 DocumentId)
  • UpdateDocumentCache(Int32 DocumentId)
  • UrlEncode(String Text)

Date/Time Methods

  • CurrentDate()
  • DateAdd(String Date, String AddType, Int32 add)
  • DateAddWithDateTimeObject(DateTime Date, String AddType, Int32 add)
  • DateDiff(String firstDate, String secondDate, String diffType)
  • DateGreaterThan(String firstDate, String secondDate)
  • DateGreaterThanOrEqual(String firstDate, String secondDate)
  • DateGreaterThanOrEqualToday(String firstDate)
  • DateGreaterThanToday(String firstDate)
  • FormatDateTime(String Date, String Format)
  • GetWeekDay(String Date)
  • LongDate(String Date), LongDate(String Date, Boolean WithTime, String TimeSplitter)
  • LongDateWithDayName(String Date, String DaySplitter, Boolean WithTime, String TimeSplitter, String GlobalAlias)
  • ShortDate(String Date), ShortDate(String Date, Boolean WithTime, String TimeSplitter)
  • ShortDateWithGlobal(String Date, String GlobalAlias)
  • ShortDateWithTimeAndGlobal(String Date, String GlobalAlias)
  • ShortTime(String Date)
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