< The Devonshire Manuscript


Sigla Bibliographic Information
AAHArundel Castle, Duke of Norfolk Arundel-Harington MS.
CCorCambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 61.
CCor168Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 168.
CFf.5.14Cambridge University Library, Ff.5.14.
CFinCambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Ff.1.6.
CGg4.12Cambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Gg.4.12.
CGg4.27Cambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Gg.4.27.
CPep2006Cambridge, Magdalene College Pepys MS 2006.
CPep2553Cambridge, Magdalene College Pepys MS 2553.
CSJCCambridge, St. John’s College MS 235.
CTri599Cambridge, Trinity College MS 599 (R.3.19).
CTri600Cambridge, Trinity College MS 600 (R.3.20).
CTri652Cambridge, Trinity College MS 652 (R.4.20).
DBlaDublin, Trinity College MS 160.
DCosV.iiDurham, University of Durham MS Cosin V.ii.13.
DCosV.iiiDurham, University of Durham MS Cosin V.iii.11.
EBanEdinburgh, National Library of Scotland Advocates MS 1.1.6.
L4797London, BL Additional MS 4797.
L12044London, BL Additional MS 12,044.
L16165London, BL Additional MS 16,165.
L18752London, BL Additional MS 18,752.
L28635London, BL Additional MS 28,635.
L28636London, BL Additional MS 28,636.
L30513London, BL Additional MS 30,513.
L34360London, BL Additional MS 34,360.
L36529London, BL Additional MS 36, 529.
LCOLondon, BL Cotton Otho A.XVIII, burned, Transcript at Cat. 643, M.4.
LDevLondon, BL Additional MS 17,492.
LEgeLondon, BL Egerton MS  2,711.
LHar78London, BL Harley MS 78.
LHar372London, BL Harley MS 372.
LHar1239London, BL Harley MS 1239.
LHar2280London, BL Harley MS 2280.
LHar2392London, BL Harley MS 2392.
LHar3943London, BL Harley MS 3943.
LHar4912London, BL Harley MS 4912.
LHar7333London, BL Harley MS 7333.
LHenLondon, BL Additional MS 31,922.
LMBLongleat, Marquess of Bath MS 258.
LPro London, Public Record Office MS SP 1/246.
LRoyLondon, BL Royal Appendix 58.
LSLCLord Salisbury Library, Cecil Fragment. ?
LSlo3501London, BL Sloane MS 3501.
LSlo1710London, BL Sloane MS 1710.
NHOsbNew Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library Osborn MS 13.
NYMorNew York, Pierpont Morgan Library MS M817. Campsall Hall, (f  2r [sold at Sotheby’s, August 10, 1942, to Quaritch]).
NYPlimpton New York, Columbia University Plimpton 276.
OxAdd287Oxford, Bodleian Library Additional MS C.287 (Bodl 29640).
OxArc24Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Arch. Selden B.24 (Bodl 3354).
OxArc56Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Arch. Selden supra 56. (Bodl 3444).
OxBodOxford, Bodleian Library MS Bodley 638 (Bodl 2078).
OxDigOxford, Bodleian Library MS Digby 181. (Bodl 1782).
OxFaiOxford, Bodleian Library MS Fairfax 16 (Bodl 3896).
OxJesOxford, Jesus College MS 39.
OxLauOxford, Bodleian Library MS Laud misc. 99 (Bodl 1123).
OxRawCOxford, Bodleian Library MS Rawlinson C.813 (Bodl 12653).
OxRawFOxford, Bodleian Library MS Rawlinson F.163 (Bodl 14655).
OxRawl_poet_108 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawl. poet. 108.
OxTanOxford, Bodleian Library MS Tanner 346 (Bodl 10173).
PLatPhiladelphia, University of Pennsylvania Latin MS 35.
SGSSir George Stephens.
SHunELSan Marino, Huntington Library MS EL 26.A.13
SHun114San Marino, Huntington Library MS HM 114.
SHun140San Marino, Huntington Library MS HM 140 [olim Phillipps 8299].
SHun143San Marino, Huntington Library MS HM 143.
SHun744San Marino, Huntington Library MS HM 744 [olim Ashburnham 133, post Gollancz].
Vesp. F.iii (F. 81)Henry Stuart letter to compare with handwriting on 57r of LDev

Early Printed Books

Short Title Catalogue Number Bibliographic Information
STC 5068Chaucer, Geoffrey. The workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before (ed. Wylliam Thynne). T. Godfray, 1532.
STC 5069Chaucer, Geoffrey. Anr. ed.  The workes of Geffray Chaucer. [R. Grafton for] W. Bonham, 1542.
STC 5074Chaucer, Geoffrey. Anr. ed.  The workes of Geffray Chaucer. [R. Grafton for] R. Toye, 1550?
STC 5075Chaucer, Geoffrey. The workes of Geffrey Chaucer, newlie printed. 1561 edition.
STC 5076------- 1561 issue.
STC 5077------- 1598 edition.
STC 5078------- 1598 issue.
STC 5079------- 1598 variant.
STC 5080------- 1602 edition.
STC 5081------- 1602 issue.
STC 5088Chaucer, Geoffrey. Here begynnneth the boke of Fame made by Geffray Chaucer; with dyuers other of his workes.  R. Pynson, 1526?
STC 5095Chaucer, Geoffrey. The noble and amerous auncyent hystory of Troylus and Creseyde in the tyme of the syege of Troye. Compyled by Geffray Chaucer.  W. de Worde, 1517.
STC 12143Gower, John. Io. Gower de confessione Amantis. T. Berthelette, 1532.
STC 13860Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey. Songes and Sonettes, written by the ryght honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other. R. Tottel, 1557 (5 June).
STC 13861------- Anr. ed. R. Tottel, 1557 (31 July). 
STC 13862------- Anr. ed. R. Tottel, 1557 (31 July).  [Reprint of STC 13861 with minor verbal variants]
STC 13863------- Anr. ed. R. Tottel, 1559 edition.
STC 13863.5------- 1559 edition.
STC 13863.7------- 1559 edition.
STC 13864------- 1565 edition.
STC 13865------- 1567 edition.
STC 13866------- 1574 edition.
STC 13867------- 1585 edition.
STC 13868------- 1587 edition.
STC 26053.5Wyatt, Sir Thomas.  A Boke of Balettes. [Anon.] [W. Copland? 1549?]. TEX (ff. 44-45 only).
STC 20402Proctor, Thomas.  A gorgious Gallery of gallant Inuentions ... by T.P. 1578.
STC 20519-19.5Puttenham, George.  The Arte of English Poesie.  1589. 
STC 24650.5The Courte of Venus.  Newly and diligently corrected with many proper Ballades newly amended.  1563? French (STC 24650.2)
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