< Swahili < Verbs


The present tense is constructed with the use of the infix/TENS-marker "-na-" and the use of the prefix that marks the respective subject.

FirstNi-na-pendaI like/loveTu-na-pendaWe like/love
SecondU-na-pendaYou like/loveM-na-pendaYou like/love
ThirdA-na-pendaShe/he likes/lovesWa-na-pendaThey like/love


The negation in the present uses the respective negative prefixes for marking the subject. But unlike the positive, it omits the TENS-marker and changes the last vovel ("-a" in the regular case) into an "-i".

FirstSi-_-pendiI do not like/loveHatu-_-pendiWe do not like/love
SecondHu-_-pendiYou do not like/loveHam-_-pendiYou do not like/love
ThirdHa-_-pendiHe/she does not like/loveHawa-_-pendiThey do not like/love


The habitual is much simpler to form and usually indicates an action that is usually done.

No subject prefix is used, just the prefix "Hu-" is added in front. (Hu-penda) As this lacks the information about the acting subject, the personal pronoun is used to clarify on the subject, if not clear from the context.

Example: Wewe hufanya (You usually do)

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