< Swahili < Verbs


General Structure

Verbs in general consist of a stem which is flexed mostly by adding affixes. Different types of affixes serve different functions. The following shows the most basic and important categories of affixes. Regular/native verbs end in "-a". Those that do not usually have their origin in another language.

Subject Prefixes (personal)

Subject prefixes are (when used) in the first position. They indicate the acting subject (in this case the person) of the sentence.

FirstNi-I doTu-we do
SecondU-you doM-You do
ThirdA-he/she doesWa-they do

For subjects other than persons the respective prefix of the corresponding Noun Class is used, which will be introduced in Nouns.

Negating Prefixes (personal)

For each subject prefix there exists another corresponding prefix which use negates the whole sentence. The regular negated form adds "H(a)-" in front of the respective positive subject prefix. (Note that if the prefix begins with a vovel, only an "H-" is added, ommitting the "-a-".)

FirstSi-I do notHatu-we do not
SecondHu-you do notHam-You do not
ThirdHa-he/she does notHawa-they do not

Personal Pronouns

These prefixes render personal pronouns obsolete except for cases in which one wants to emphasize on the subject.

Example: Mimi sipendi (I do not like)


After a subject prefix follows a infix, called the TENS-marker, that marks the tense or other mode (for example the conditional) of the verb.


The infinitive is built by simply adding the prefix "ku-" to the stem of the verb.

Example: Ku-fanya (To do)

(Technically this is its own Noun Class.)


Example: Ni-na-fanya (I do/I am doing)

Other Tenses

  • Present (+Habitual)
  • Past (Simple Past and Past Perfect)
  • Future
  • Imperative
  • Subjunctive
  • Participle


Other infixes and modifier contain

  • "Already"
  • Passive
  • Object
  • Conditional
  • Relative
  • Locative
  • Single Syllable
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