< Snakes of Europe

Family: Typhlopidae (Blind snakes)
Genus: Typhlops

  • Worm Snake Typhlops vermicularis (south-eastern Europe, Cyprus, across to Afghanistan)

Family: Boidae, (Boas, Anacondas)
Genus: Eryx

  • Javelin Sand Boa Eryx jaculus (south-eastern Europe, the Caucasus, the Middle East, and Africa)

Family: Colubridae (Colubrids)

Subfamily: Colubrinae
  • Western Whip Snake Coluber viridiflavus (south-western Europe, Italy, Switzerland and Slovenia)
  • Caspian WhipSnake Coluber caspius (south-eastern Europe, Turkey)
  • Large Whip Snake Dolichophis jugularis (south-eastern Europe)
  • Red-Bellied Racer Dolichophis schmidti (Russia, Turkey, Georgia)
  • Horseshoe Whip Snake Hemorrhois hippocrepis(Italy, Iberian Peninsula)
  • Spotted Whip Snake Hemorrhois ravergieri (Greece, Turkey, Georgia)
  • Algerian Whip Snake Hemorrhois algirus (Malta)
  • Coin Snake, Hemorrhois nummifer (has been mentioned from European Turkey but actual presence in Europe remains unconfirmed and demands substantiation)
  • Red Whip Snake Platyceps collaris (Bulgaria, Turkey)
  • Dahl's Whip Snake Platyceps najadum (south-eastern Europe)
  • Balkan Whip Snake Hierophis gemonensis (south-eastern Europe)
  • Cyprus Whip Snake Hierophis cypriensis (Cyprus, Greece, Turkey)
  • Asia Minor Dwarf Racer Eirenis modestus (Greece, Russia, Turkey, Georgia)
  • Collared Dwarf Racer Eirenis collaris (Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia)
  • Four-lined Snake Elaphe quatuorlineata (south-eastern Europe)
  • Blotched Snake Elaphe sauromates (eastern and south-eastern Europe)
  • Steppes RatSnakes Elaphe dione (Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan)
  • Transcaucasian Rat Snake Elaphe hohenackeri (Russia, Georgia, Turkey)
  • Ladder Snake Rhinechis scalaris (Iberian Peninsula, France, Italy)
  • Leopard Snake Zamenis situla (southern Europe)
  • Aesculapian Snake Zamenis longissimus
  • Italian Aesculapian Snake Zamenis lineatus (Italy)
  • Smooth Snake Coronella austriaca
  • Southern Smooth Snake Coronella girondica (Iberian Peninsula, France, Italy)
  • European Cat Snake Telescopus fallax (south-eastern Europe)
Subfamily: Psammophiinae
  • Montpellier Snake Malpolon monspessulanus (southern Europe)
Subfamily: Natricinae
  • Viperine Water Snake Natrix maura
  • Grass Snake Natrix natrix (ssp. cetti, schweizeri)
  • Dice Snake Natrix tessellata
  • Large-headed Water Snake Natrix megalocephala (Russia, Turkey, Georgia)
Subfamily: Boodontinae
  • False Smooth Snake Macroprotodon brevis (Iberian peninsula)
  • False Smooth Snake Macroprotodon cucullatus (Iberian peninsula)

Family: Viperidae

  • Caucasus Viper Vipera kaznakovi (Russia, Georgia, Turkey)
  • Orsini's Viper, Meadow Viper Vipera ursinii (ssp. moldavica, ssp. rakosiensis (south-eastern France, central Italy, west Balkans, northern Greece, Hungary, Romania)
  • European Adder Vipera berus
  • Seoane's Viper Vipera seoanei (Iberia)
  • Asp Viper Vipera aspis (south-western Europe, Italy and Switzerland)
  • Lataste's Viper Vipera latastei (Iberia)
  • Nose-horned Viper Vipera ammodytes (south-eastern Europe, Hungary and Austria)
  • Ottoman Viper Vipera xanthina (Aegean Greece, Turkey)
  • Nikolsky's Adder Vipera nikolskii (Ukraine)
  • Meadow Viper Vipera renardi (Russia)
  • Magnificent Viper Vipera magnifica (Russia)
  • Orlov's Viper Vipera orlovi (Russia)
  • Lotiev's Viper Vipera lotievi (Russia, Georgia)
  • Caucasus Subalpine Viper Vipera dinniki (Russia, Georgia)
  • Milos Viper Macrovipera schweizeri (Islands of Milos, Kimolos, Polyaigos, Sifnos in Aegean Greece)
  • Blunt-nosed Viper Macrovipera lebetina (southern Russia, Cyprus, Turkey)
  • Halys Pit Viper Gloydius halys (Russia, Kazakhstan)
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