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Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives

Masculine Singular Feminine Singular Masculine Plural Feminine Plural
eu o meu a minha os meus as minhas
tu o teu a tua os teus as tuas
ele/ela/você o seu a sua os seus as suas
nós o nosso a nossa os nossos as nossas
vós/vocês o vosso a vossa os vossos as vossas
eles/elas o seu a sua os seus as suas


The gender in these words is of the object possessed, not the possessor (as in English). For example

Ele vai para a sua casa - He goes to his house.

Even though 'ele' is masculine, we use the feminine 'a sua' because 'casa' is feminine.


Unfortunately, confusion can arise with the forms seu, sua, seus and suas. This is because they can mean his, her, your and their. We therefore use the following forms frequently.

a casa dele his house
a casa dela her house
a casa deles their (m) house
a casa delas their (f) house

Note: The gender of these words refers, unlike the words above, to the possessor, not the object(s) possessed.

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