< Persian

Common phrases

English Persian
in orthography
in Romanization
in IPA
Hello! !ﺴﻼﻢ Salâm [sæˈlɒm]
Good-bye! !خداحافظ
Khodâ hâfez
[xoˈdɒ hɒˈfez]
See you tomorrow. .تا فردا Tâ fardâ. [tɒ færˈdɒ]
Thank you. .متشكرم Motashakkeram. [motæʃækːeˈɾæm]
please لطفاً lotfan [lotˈfæn]
Good morning! !صبح بخير Sobh bekheyr! [sobh beˈxejɾ]
Good afternoon! !روز بخير Ruz bekheyr! [ɾuz beˈxejɾ]
Good evening! !شب بخير Shab bekheyr! [ʃæb beˈxejɾ]
yes بله
bale (formal)
âre (informal)
no نه na [næ]
How are you? حالت چطوره؟
حال شما چطور است؟
Hâlet che-toure? (informal)
Hâle shomâ che-tour ast? (formal)
[hɒˈlet ʧetou̯ˈɾe]
[hɒˈle ʃoˈmɒ ʧeˈtou̯ɾ æst]
how much چقدر
How much does it cost? قيمتش چند است؟ Gheymatash chand ast? [ɣejmæˈtæʃ ʧænd æst]
this one اين in [in]
that one آن ân [ɒn]
What is this? اين چى است؟ In chi ast? [in ʧi æst]
I don't understand. .نمی‌فهمم Nemifahmam. [nemifæhm'æm]
I don't understand Persian. فارسی نمی‌فهمم. Fârsi nemifahmam. [fɒrˈsi nemifæhm'æm]
I don't speak English. انگلیسی حرف نمی‌زنم. Engelisi harf nimizanam.
Do you speak English? انگلیسی حرف می‌زنید؟ Engelisi harf mizanid?
Where is the bathroom? توالت کجاست؟ Twalet kojâst?
Hamam kojâst?
tvɒlet kodʒɒst
I'm sick. مريضم
Please repeat that for me. لطفاً تکرار کنيد Lotfan tekrar konid.
What does ___ mean in Persian? به فارسی ___ یعنی چه؟ Be-Fârsi ___ yani che? befɒrsi ___ jæni tʃe
What does ___ mean in English? به انگلیسی ___ یعنی چه؟ Be-Engelisi ___ yani che?
good خوب khub xub
bad بد bad bæd
Please enter. بفرماييد تو Befar moid tu.
Bon appetit! نوش جان Nusheh jân!
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