< Persian

In this lesson, you will learn how to create and use the negative of Persian verbs.

Dialogue: ... ‹...›

... and... are talking....

X: ‹....›
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Y: ‹...›
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... and ....


  • {{{1}}}  ‹{{{2}}}› IPA:  [[:Media:fa-{{{1}}}.ogg|{{{3}}}]]


Negative particle ن ‹na-› takes the stress and prefixes conjugated verb, not the invariant part

Negative copula

  • نیستم ‹nistam› (“I am not”)
  • نیستید ‹nistid› (“you are not”)
  • نیست ‹nist› (“ he/she/it is not”), colloquially pronounced ‹nis›
  • نیستیم ‹nistim› (“ we are not”)
  • نیستید ‹nistid› (“you are not”)
  • نیستند ‹nistand› (“they are not”), colloquially pronounced ‹nistan›

Other negative words

  • هیچ  ‹hic› (“none, not at all”)


درس 8 و

مردman (man)
زن – vrouw (woman)
تند - snel (fast)
دوات – inktpot (inkwell)
پروين – Parvin (meisjesnaam) (girls name)
پرويز – Parviz (jongensnaam) (boys name)
نانوا – bakker (baker)
دويدن – rennen (hele werkwoord) (running)
مي دود – hij rent, zij rent (he, she runs)
بيرون – uit, buiten (out)
مي پزد – hij kookt, zij kookt (he, she cooks)
پختن- - koken, bakken (hele werkwoord) (cooking, baking)
اين دوات است – dit is een inktpot (this is an inkwell)
پرويز با پروين دوست است – Parvin is met Parviz bevriend
اين مرد نانوا است – die mijnheer is bakker
نانوا نان مي پزد – de bakker bakt brood
آن مرد از نانوائي تند آمد – die man komt snel uit de bakkerij
پرويز با پروين دوست است
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