< Persian

In lessons ... through ..., you learned ....

In this lesson, you will learn about personal clitics used after noun phrases, alternative pronomial direct objects as clitics, and differences between spoken and written forms.

Dialogue: ... ‹...›

... talks with ...:

...: ‹...›
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...: ‹...›
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...: ‹...›
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...: ‹...›
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... and ... are....


درس 13

ق چ
زيبا دوچرخه سواري را دوست دارد
قاشق – lepel
بشقاب – bord
سفره – tafelkleed
اتاق – kamer
دوچرخه – fiets
چاي – thee
پيچ – schroef
سفت – zacht
آوردن – brengen
ريختن – schenken
آچار – gereedschap
باز – open
بسته – dicht
دوچرخه سواري كردن – fietsen, (werkwoord)
قند – suikerklontje
شيرين – zoet
زيبا – mooi, ook een meisjesnaam
خراب – kapot
دانستن – weten, (werkwoord)
امين واكرم به مادر خود كمك مي كنند – Amin en Akram helpen hun eigen moeder
اكرم سفره و قاشق و بشقاب را به اتاق مياورد – Akram brengt het bord, de lepel en het tafelkleed naar de kamer
مادر زيبا چاي درست كرد – De moeder van Ziba zet thee
زيبا دوچرخه سواري را دوست دارد – Ziba houdt van fietsen
تكليف. شب. – Huiswerk
جمله بسازيد . دوچرخه . قاشق . چاي . – Een zin maken
فعل بسازيد . مي داند . مي آورد. ريختن - werkwoord vervoegen

Personal clitics with noun phrases

Grammar: (bound) personal enclitics after (singular or plural) noun phrase:

  • After consonant: /am/, /at/, /aš/, /emân/, /etân/, /ešân/
  • After و or ا, /yam/, /yat/...
  • After ه or ی, singular suffixes are spelled with leading zwnj+ا.

Often expresses possession /pedaram/ ("my father"), /dust-e xubam/ ("my good friend")

alternative pronomial direct objects as enclitics


Differences between spoken and written forms

  • written را colloquially ‹o› or ‹ro›. With possessive endings:
    • کتابم را به او دادم ‹ketâbamow be u dâdam› (“I gave my book to him.”)
    • کتابت را به او دادم ‹ketâbatow be u dâdam› (“I gave your book to him.”)
    • کتابش را به او دادم ‹ketâbašow be u dâdam› (“I gave her book to him.”)
    • کتابمان را به او دادم ‹ketâbemunow be u dâdam› (“I gave our book to him.”)
    • کتابتان را به او دادم ‹ketâbetunow be u dâdam› (“I gave your book to him.”)
    • کتابشان را به او دادم ‹ketâbašunow be u dâdam› (“I gave their book to him.”)
  • colloquial ‹e›, ‹s› for است
  • colloquial verb endings: ه ‹eh›
  • written ان ‹ân› vs spoken ‹un›, but not in خانم ‹xânom›

Colloquially, when ‹â› comes before ‹a›, the latter elides:

  • دست‌هایم ‹dasthâyam› (“my hands”) pronounced ‹dastâm›
  • پایم ‹pâyam› (“my foot”) pronounced ‹pâm›


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