< Novoslovnica

Adverb is a part of speech that does not change by the persons, numbers or cases. It just shows some information about time, place or something else. The only way it can change is to use the degrees of comparison. There are three ones: positive, comparative and superlative degrees. Positive degree is the usual form of adverb that we see in the dictionary.

There are two ways of creating comparative and superlative degrees - analitic and synthetic.

Comparativepo- + P.D.P.D. + ëǐ
Superlativenaǐ- + P.D.C.D. + ši

Sometimes you can combine these forms and it's talked about 5 degrees of comparison.

Low comparativepo- + P.D.
Strong comparativeP.D. + ëǐ
Low superlativeS.C.D. + ši
Strong superlativenaǐ- + L.S.D.
  • yesterday - včera
  • today - dnesj
  • now - sëdy
  • there - tam, tamo
  • here - zdě, tut

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