< Network Plus Certification < Tools

Objective 5.3: Given a scenario, utilize the appropriate hardware tools

Cable testers

Cable tester

these are used to check the quality of the cable, how many wires that fully connected, a light will indicate how many wires are working

Protocol analyzer

TDR (Time-domain Reflectometer)

Signal transmitted and reflected from a discontinuity

OTDR (Optical Time-domain Reflectometer)

Optical Time-domain Reflectometer

This is used to check the connectivity of a fibre optic cable and the quality of the connection, by sending timed signals.



Toner probe

Toner probe

Butt set

Punch down tool

Punch down tool

It is used to connect the network cables to a RJ-45 network connector. It punches down the cable to ensure a connection and then cuts off the excess wires.

Cable stripper

Cable stripper



Voltage event recorder


Temperature monitor

Temperature monitor
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