< Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter < Characters
Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter - Character
Roger Davies
Hair colorUnknown
Eye colorUnknown
Related FamilyUnknown


Roger Davies is the Captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and is one of the Chasers. He is a talented player and seems to be considered very good looking - Fleur Delacour evidently liked him enough to allow him to escort her to the Yule Ball.

Role in the Books

Goblet of Fire

We find out that Roger is Captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. Fleur Delacour, Triwizard Champion for Beauxbatons, has accepted his invitation to the Yule Ball.

Order of the Phoenix

In this book Cho Chang claimed to Harry that Roger asked her to go out with him but she turned him down in favour of Harry instead. Later in the fifth book, Roger and his date for the afternoon, a pretty blonde girl, ended up in Madam Puddifoot's in Hogsmeade - the same tea shop as Harry and Cho (and many other student couples). Talking with Harry about this afterwards, Hermione suggests that Cho likely was trying to use Roger's interest in her to make Harry jealous, and thus gauge Harry's interest in her. However, it seems to have only succeeded in confusing him.



Relationships with Other Characters

During the Triwizard Tournament, Roger Davies dated Fleur Delacour. He was Fleur's partner for the Yule Ball we are led to believe that this was Fleur's choice.



Greater Picture

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