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Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter - Character
Kendra Dumbledore
Hair colorBlack
Eye colorUnknown
Related Familyhusband Percival Dumbledore, children Albus, Aberforth, Ariana


Kendra Dumbledore was the mother of Albus, Aberforth, and Ariana Dumbledore, and wife of Percival Dumbledore.

Role in the Books

Deathly Hallows

Kendra Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore's mother, is mentioned in Albus' obituary written by Elphias Doge. She had died suddenly as Albus was preparing for a Grand Tour around the world following his graduation from Hogwarts.

In Rita Skeeter's scurrilous tell-all book, Kendra is described as having been extremely private, rebuffing her neighbours' offers of friendship following the Dumbledore clan's move to Godric's Hollow. Kendra was rumored to be hiding a shameful family secret: that her daughter, Ariana, was a Squib. Ron's Auntie Muriel later confirms the rumors existed, though they were unproven.

Harry learns later from Albus' brother, Aberforth, that Ariana was beaten by Muggles and suffered permanent brain damage. Their father, Percival, physically retaliated against the three boys, then was convicted and sentenced to Azkaban prison, where he later died. Kendra relocated the family to Godric's Hollow to escape the notoriety. Ariana never fully recovered from the attack, and had uncontrollable magical outbursts. Kendra kept her hidden to protect the neighbours and to prevent Ariana from being forcefully committed to St. Mungo's. Ariana may have killed Kendra during an uncontrolled fit.



Relationships with Other Characters



Greater Picture

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