< Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter < Characters
Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter - Character
Anthony Goldstein
Hair colorUnknown
Eye colorUnknown
Related FamilyUnknown
LoyaltyAlbus Dumbledore


Anthony Goldstein is a student in Ravenclaw house. He is in Harry's year.

Role in the Books

Order of the Phoenix

In the Hogwarts Express, Ron Weasley informs Harry that Anthony is one of the two new prefects for Ravenclaw. (The other is Padma Patil.)

Anthony Goldstein is one of the students who attends the first meeting of what becomes Dumbledore's Army, in the Hog's Head.

Anthony is also one of the six members of Dumbledore's Army who see Draco Malfoy attempting to jinx Harry on the Hogwarts Express, and promptly return fire, leaving Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle looking like gigantic slugs squeezed into Hogwarts robes.

Half-Blood Prince

Deathly Hallows

Anthony Goldstein is one of the members of Dumbledore's Army who have ended up in the Room of Requirement when the school itself became too hostile for them. While he apparently takes part in the Battle of Hogwarts, little is actually known of his role there.



Relationships with Other Characters


From his name, we suspect that Anthony is Jewish, which makes him the only Jewish student at Hogwarts. JK Rowling confirmed this in an after-publication interview in late 2014.


Greater Picture

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