< Manchu

Body Parts 身体 (Beye)

body 身 beye

eye 眼睛 yasa

nose 鼻子 oforo

nostril 鼻孔 oforo sangga

ear 耳朵 šan

mouth 口 angga

lip 唇 femen

tongue 舌 ilenggu

throat 喉 bilha

chin 下巴 secehe

beard, moustache 胡须 salu

neck 脖子 meifen

shoulder 肩 meiren

hand 手 gala

armpit 腋下 oho

elbow 肘 mayan

finger 手指 simhun

thumb 大拇指 ferhe

chest 胸 tunggen

belly 肚 hefeli

navel 肚脐 cungguru

back 背 fisa

waist 腰 darama

rump, buttocks 臀 ura

foot 脚 bethe

bone 骨头 giranggi

tendon 筋 sube

brain 脑子 fehi

marrow 骨髓 umgan

heart 心 niyaman

liver 肝 fahūn

spleen 脾 delihun

gall-bladder 胆 silhi

kidney 肾 bosho

blood 血 senggi

face 脸 dere

facial features 颜面 cira

breasts 乳房 meme/huhun

sweat 汗 nei

snot, mucus 鼻涕 niyaki

Animals 动物 (Ulha)

lion 狮子 arsalan

gyrfalcon 海东青 šongkoro

Rat, mouse 鼠 singgeri

Ox, Cow 牛 ihan

Tiger 老虎 tasha

Rabbit 兔 gūlmahūn

Dragon 龙 muduri

Snake 蛇 meihe

Horse 马 morin

Goat, sheep 羊 honin

Monkey 猴 bonio

Rooster, Chicken 鸡 coko

Dog 狗 indahūn

Pig, boar 猪 ulgiyan

goose 鹅 niongniyaha

cat 猫 kesike

wild cat, steppe hare/jerboa 野猫;malahi

owl 猫头鹰 molto

eagle 鹰 giyahūn

bee 蜂 hibsujen

butterfly 蝶 gefehe

crow 乌鸦 gaha

wolf 狼 niohe (niohiru?)

Colours 颜色 (Boco)

red 红 fulgiyan

yellow 黄 suwayan

white 白 šanggiyan

black 黑 sahaliyan

green 绿 niowanggiyan

gold 金色 haksan

dark 青色 yacin

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