< Manchu

Online Library of Manchu Language Texts

Welcome to the Online Library of Manchu Language Texts.
This free online Library of Manchu texts aims to provide a one stop collection of all Manchu texts that are no longer subject to copyright laws.
As this is a wiki users will be able to make corrections and monitor changes in the texts to ensure accuracy.

All texts will use the Möllendorff transliteration method, which will mean that any user that wants to download the text can just cut and paste the content straight from the page.

Manchu's History (满族历史)

Vol.1 ujui debtelin|Vol.2 Jai Debtelin|Vol.3 Ilaci Debtelin|Vol.4 Duici Debtelin|Vol.5 Sunjaci Debtelin|Vol.6 Ningguci Debtelin|Vol.7 Nadaci Debtelin|Vol.8 Jakūci Debtelin

Chinese classics (中国古典文学)

  • The Confucian Classics (四书五经)

The Analects 论语

Great Learning 大学

Doctrine of the Mean 中庸

Mencius 孟子

I Ching (Book of Changes) 易经

Classic of Poetry 诗经

Book of Rites 礼记

Book of Documents 尚书

Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋左传

  • Other (四书五经之外的古典文学)

looze i araha doro erdemu i nomun (Laozi: Dao De Jing) 道德经

san dzi ging ni bithe (Three Character Classic) 三字经

Religious texts (宗教之类)

  • Buddhist Texts (佛教)
  • Christian Texts (基督教)
  • Shamanist Texts (萨满教)

Political & historical texts (政治和历史之类)

  • Inscriptions (碑铭)
  • Biographies (传)

Literature (文学之类)

  • Poetry (诗)
  • Short Stories (短篇小说)
usiha be toloro jui (The boy that counts stars - 数星星的孩子) | dungg'o siyanxeng jai niohe (Mr Dungg'o and the wolf - 东郭先生和狼)| mentuhun gung alin be guribuhengge (The silly man moves a mountain - 愚公移山)
  • Classical Literature (长篇小说)

Linguistics (语言学之类)

  • Grammars (语法书)
  • Books to Learn Manchu (满文课程)
Korean text to learn Manchu Chapter 1 - 清語老乞大卷一 | Korean text to learn Manchu Chapter 2 - 清語老乞大卷二 | Korean text to learn Manchu Chapter 3 - 清語老乞大卷三 | Korean text to learn Manchu Chapter 4 - 清語老乞大卷四 |

Other (其他)

  • Jokes (笑话)
  • Newspaper Articles (报纸)
  • Song Lyrics (歌词)
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