< Láadan < Lessons

The Association marker: -den and -dan

[(Aux) Verb (Neg) CP-S CP-Association]

The Association marker is used to specify with whom something is done. "-den" is the neutral form, while "-dan" can additionally specify that it is a pleasure to do so.


LáadanEnglishVocab words
Bíi lalom le wa.I am singing.lalom = to sing
Bóo aril lalom leden.Would you sing with me?le+den = with me

The Beneficiary marker: -da

[(Aux) Verb (Neg) CP-S CP-Beneficiary]

The Beneficiary marker is used to specify for whom something is done for; on whose behalf.

The Beneficiary marker also has alternative forms in order to specify purpose: "-dá" for "against one's will", as in forced or coerced, "-daá" for "accidentally", and "-dáa" for "because of an obligation of law or duty that one accepts". For all other situations, "-da" should be used.


LáadanEnglishVocab words
Bíi lalom le laneda wa.I am singing for a friend.lan = friend


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