< Láadan < Lessons


A Degree marker can be added to indicate some degree. There are neutral ones, as well as ones with a negative and positive emotion conveyed.

Neutral degree markers:

-helto a trivial degree; slightly
-hilto a minor degree; rather
(none)to an ordinary degree
-halto an unusual degree; very
-hulto an extreme degree
-háalishto an extraordinary degree

Negative degree markers:

-heleto a troublesome degree
-hileto a severe degree
-huleto an intolerable degree
-shulean unbearable degree, would cause a catastrophic event; used as an emergency form.

Positive degree markers:

-théleto a pleasing degree; fine
-thíleto a more-than-pleasing degree; excellent
-thúulto an extraordinarily pleasing degree; magnificient
-thúleto the furthest degree of pleasingness possible; perfect

Interrogative degree marker:

The interrogative marker, "-haba", can be used to ask "to what degree?"

(Amberwind (2012), Láadan Lessons, p. 295 )


LáadanEnglishVocab words
Báa íthi bo?Is the mountain tall?íthi = tall, bo = mountain
Báa íthihaba bo?How tall is the mountain?
Bíi íthihul bo wa.The mountain is extremely tall. (Neutral)
Bíi íthithúul bo wa.The mountain is extremely tall. (Positive - it's great that it's tall!)
Bíi íthithule bo wa.The mountain is extremely tall. (Negative - it's awful that it's tall!)


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