< Lojban

Word list

  • le
  • cu
  • ti
  • ta
  • tu
  • goi
  • ko'a
  • zo'o
  • zo'onai
  • broda
  • blanu
  • cusku
  • ciska
  • prenu
  • remna
  • nanmu
  • ninmu
  • gasnu
  • zukte
  • rinka


le        LE       the described
                   non-veridical descriptor: the one(s) described as ...

cu        CU       selbri separator
                   elidable marker: separates selbri from preceding
                   sumti, allows preceding terminator elision

ti        KOhA6    this here
                   pro-sumti: this here; immediate demonstrative it;
                   indicated thing/place near speaker

ta        KOhA6    that there
                   pro-sumti: that there; nearby demonstrative it;
                   indicated thing/place near listener

tu        KOhA6    that yonder
                   pro-sumti: that yonder; distant demonstrative it;
                   indicated thing far from speaker&listener

goi       GOI      pro-sumti assign
                   sumti assignment; used to define/assign ko'a/fo'a
                   series pro-sumti; Latin 'sive'

ko'a      KOhA4    it-1
                   pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #1 (specified by goi)

zo'o      UI5      humorously
                   attitudinal modifier: humorously - dully - seriously
                   cf. xajmi, junri)
zo'onai   UI*5     seriously
                   attitudinal modifier: humorously - dully - seriously


broda rod          predicate var 1
                   1st assignable variable predicate (context determines
                   place structure)
                   (cf. cmavo list bu'a)
blanu     bla      blue
                   x1 is blue [color adjective]
                   (cf. skari, blabi, xekri, zirpu, kandi, carmi, cicna)
cusku cus sku      express
                   x1 (agent) expresses/says x2 (sedu'u/text/lu'e
                   concept) for audience x3 via expressive medium x4
                   [also says]; (cf. bacru, tavla, casnu, spuda, cmavo
                   list cu'u, bangu, dapma, jufra, pinka)
ciska         ci'a write                ' scribe '
                     x1 inscribes/writes x2 on display/storage medium
                     x3 with writing implement x4; x1 is a scribe
                     [also x3 writing surface]; (cf. papri, penbi,
                     pinsi, tcidu, xatra, pixra, prina, finti for
                     'author' or specific authorial works, barna, pinka)
prenu     pre      person
                   x1 is a person/people (noun) [not necessarily human];
                   x1 displays personality/a persona
                   (cf. nanmu, ninmu, remna, zukte, sevzi)
remna rem     re'a human
                   x1 is a human/human being/man (non-specific
                   gender-free sense); (adjective:) x1 is human
                   (cf. nanmu, ninmu, prenu)
nanmu         nau  man
                   x1 is a man/men; x1 is a male humanoid person [not
                   necessarily adult]
                   [word dispreferred in metaphor/example as sexist;
                   (use remna or prenu)]; (cf. ninmu, remna, prenu,
                   makcu, nanla, bersa)
ninmu nim     ni'u woman                ' women '
                     x1 is a woman/women; x1 is a female humanoid person
                     [not necessarily adult]
                     [word dispreferred in metaphor/example as sexist;
                     (use remna or prenu)]; (cf. nanmu, remna, prenu,
                     makcu, nixli)
gasnu         gau  do
                   x1 [person/agent] is an agentive cause of event x2;
                   x1 does/brings about x2
                   (cf. cmavo list gau, gunka, zukte, rinka, fasnu for
                   non-agentive events, jibri, kakne, pilno)
zukte zuk     zu'e act
                   x1 is a volitional entity employing means/taking
                   action x2 for purpose/goal x3/to end x3
                   [also acting at, undertaking, doing; agentive cause
                   with volition/purpose; also x3 objective, end];
                   (cf. cmavo list zu'e, bapli, gunka, jalge, krinu,
                   mukti, rinka, snuti, gasnu, fasnu, minji, prenu,
                   ciksi, jibri, pilno, pluta, tadji, tutci)
rinka rik     ri'a cause
                   x1 (event/state) effects/physically causes effect x2
                   (event/state) under conditions x3
                   [x1 is a material condition for x2; x1 gives rise to
                   x2]; (cf. gasnu, krinu, nibli, te zukte, se jalge,
                   bapli, jitro, cmavo list ri'a, mukti, ciksi, xruti)

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