< Lojban
  • Abstraction - See Abstractions
  • Acronym - See Acronyms
  • Anaphora - See Lojban/Anaphora.
  • Attitudinal - See Lojban/Attitudinals
  • Brown, James Cooke - Began work creating Loglan around 1955. See Lojban/Introduction to Lojban.
  • Buffer vowel - Unwritten, spoken vowel in a consonant cluster to aid pronunciation. See Sounds and alphabet.
  • cmene - See Lojban/Cmene.
  • Connective - See Connectives.
  • Discursive - See Discursives.
  • Elidable terminator - See Lojban/Elidable terminator.
  • fu'ivla - See Lojban/Fu'ivla.
  • Grammar - The study of the rules governing the use of a language. That set of rules is also called the grammar of the language, and each language has its own distinct grammar. Grammar is part of the general study of language called linguistics. See Lojban/Introduction to Lojban grammar.
  • Letteral - See Lojban/Letterals
  • Logical Language Group
  • Loglan - A constructed language designed for linguistic research, particularly investigation of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. Dr. James Cooke Brown began work creating Loglan around 1955. See Lojban/Introduction to Lojban.
  • Lojban - Artificial language created by the Logical Language Group in 1987 based on the earlier Loglan, with the intent to make the language more complete, usable, and freely available. See Lojban/Introduction to Lojban.
  • lujvo - See Lojban/Lujvo.
  • mekso - See Lojban/Mekso.
  • Negation - See Negation
  • Pro-bridi - See Lojban/Pro-bridi.
  • Pro-sumti - See Lojban/Pro-sumti.
  • rafsi - See Lojban/Rafsi.
  • Sapir, Edward - (pronunciation: suh PEER), (1884-1939), American anthropologist-linguist; a leader in American structural linguistics; author of Language : An Introduction to the Study of Speech (ISBN 0-15648-233-9); Born in Lauenberg, Germany. Pupil of Franz Boas, teacher of Benjamin Whorf. See Lojban/Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.
  • Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis - A linguistic hypothesis that states that there are certain thoughts of an individual in one language that cannot be understood by those who live in another language and that the way people think is strongly affected by their native languages. It is a controversial theory championed by linguist Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Whorf. See Lojban/Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.
  • selbri - See Lojban/Selbri.
  • sumti - See Lojban/Sumti.
  • sumtcita - See Lojban/Sumtcita.
  • tanru - See Lojban/Tanru.
  • tense - See Tenses
  • Vocabulary - See Vocabulary, Lojban/How to learn vocabulary.
  • Vocative - See Lojban/Vocatives.
  • Whorf, Benjamin Lee - (April 24, 1897 - July 26, 1941) was an American linguist. See Lojban/Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.
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