< Lojban


  • djacu water
    • Rafsi: jac jau
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity/expanse of water; (adjective:) x1 is aqueous/[aquatic]
    • Notes: [aquatic (= jaupli)]; (cf. lalxu, rirxe, xamsi, limna, litki, lumci, bumru, jinto)
  • xalka alcohol
    • Rafsi: xal
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of alcohol of type x2 from source/process x3
    • Notes: See also birje, jikru, vanju.
  • jikru liquor
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of liquor/spirits distilled from x2
    • Notes: See also barja, vanju, birje, xalka.
  • vanju wine
    • Rafsi: van
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of wine from fruit/grapes x2
    • Notes: See also barja, birje, xalka, jikru, fusra.
  • birje beer
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a amount of beer/ale/brew brewed from x2
    • Notes: See also pinxe, barja, jikru, vanju, xalka, fusra.
  • jisra juice
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of juice/nectar from-source/of-type x2
    • Notes: Water-based extract from a (generally) biological source. See also pinxe, djacu, grute, stagi.
  • sodva soda
    • Rafsi: sod
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of a carbonated beverage/soda of flavor/brand x2
    • Notes: Also: soft drink (though this sometimes includes tea and coffee as distinct from alcoholic beverages which are "hard drinks"). See also jilka, jinme.
  • ckafi coffee
    • Rafsi: kaf
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of coffee from source/bean/grain x2
    • Notes: Brew based on a seed/bean/grain; e.g. also chicory coffee, decaf, postum. See also tcati, brewed from a leaf, barja, cakla.
  • tcati tea
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of tea brewed from leaves x2
    • Notes: See also ckafi.


  • sanmi meal
    • Rafsi: sai
    • Definition: x1 (mass) is a meal composed of dishes including x2
    • Notes: x2 is a course/dish of meal x1 (= selsai for reordered places). See also barja, stasu, gusta, sanso.
  • rectu meat `flesh'
    • Rafsi: rec, re'u
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of/contains meat/flesh from source/animal x2
    • Notes: See also sluji.
  • grasu grease
    • Rafsi: ras
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains grease/fat/oil from source x2
    • Notes: See also ctile, matne, plana.
  • ladru milk `lactic'
    • Rafsi: lad
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of milk from source x2; (adjective:) x1 is lactic/dairy
    • Notes: See also lanbi, mabru, tatru, cirla, kruji.
  • kruji cream
    • Rafsi: ruj
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of cream/emulsion/puree [consistency] of composition x2
    • Notes: [x2: composition including x2, which need not be complete specification]; See also ladru, matne.
  • matne butter
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of/contains butter/oleo/margarine/shortening from source x2
    • Notes: (adjective:) x1 is buttery; an edible fat, solid but spreadable at normal temperatures; dairy butter (= ladmatne). See also grasu, kruji.
  • cirla cheese
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of/contains cheese/curd from source x2
    • Notes: See also ladru.
  • sakta sugar `sucrose'
    • Rafsi: sat
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of sugar [sweet edible] from source x2 of composition x3
    • Notes: Also sucrose, fructose, glucose, galactose, lactose, etc.; saccharine/aspartame/sugar substitute (basysakta or sakybasti, ticysakta); x3: composition including x3, which need not be complete specification. See also silna, titla.
  • cakla chocolate
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of chocolate/cocoa
    • Notes: See also ckafi.
  • nanba bread
    • Rafsi: nab
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of/contains bread [leavened or unleavened] made from grains x2
    • Notes: See also gurni, panlo, toknu.
  • salta salad
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 (mass) is a quantity of salad [food] with ingredients/components including x2
    • Notes: x2 is in x1, an ingredient/part/component of x1. See also mixre, stasu.
  • sanso sauce
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a sauce/topping/gravy/frosting for use with x2, containing ingredient(s) including x3
    • Notes: x3 is in x1, an ingredient/part/component of sauce x1. See also sanmi, mixre, stasu.
  • stasu soup `stew'
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of soup/stew/olla/olio [food] of ingredients including x2
    • Notes: x2 is in x1, an ingredient/part/component of x1. See also sanmi, mixre, salta, sanso.
  • tsapi seasoning
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a seasoning/condiment/spice causing flavor/effect x2 (event/property)
    • Notes: Also: x1 flavors x2 (tu'a). See also vrusi.
  • sigja cigar
    • Rafsi: sig
    • Definition: x1 is a cigar/cigarette/cigarillo made from tobacco/smokable substance x2 by x3
    • Notes: See also danmo, jelca, tanko, marna.


  • kobli cabbage `cole-'
    • Rafsi: kob, ko'i
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of cabbage/lettuce/leafy vegetable of species/strain x2
    • Notes: See also stagi.
  • tamca tomato
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a tomato [fruit/vegetable/plant] of species/strain x2
    • Notes: See also grute, stagi.
  • sluni onion
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of/contains onions/scallions of type/cultivar x2
    • Notes: See also stagi.
  • sunga garlic
    • Rafsi: sug
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of garlic [bulb] of species/strain x2
    • Notes: See also stagi.
  • patlu potato
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a potato [an edible tuber] of variety/cultivar x2
    • Notes: (use samcu for starchy/tuberous roots that do not reproduce from eyes of tuber); See also genja, jalna, samcu.
  • samcu cassava `yam'
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of cassava/taro/manioc/tapioca/yam [edible starchy root] of species/strain x2
    • Notes: See also patlu, genja, jalna.


  • badna banana
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a banana/plantain [fruit/plant] of species/breed x2
    • Notes: See also grute.
  • nimre citrus `lime'
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a quantity of citrus [fruit/tree, etc.] of species/strain x2
    • Notes: See also grute, slari, slami, xukmi.
  • plise apple
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is an apple [fruit] of species/strain x2
    • Notes: See also grute.
  • perli pear
    • Rafsi: per
    • Definition: x1 is a pear [fruit] of species/strain x2
    • Notes: See also grute.
  • guzme melon
    • Rafsi: guz zme
    • Definition: x1 is a melon/squash [fruit/plant] of species/strain x2
    • Notes: See also grute.
  • figre fig
    • Rafsi: fig
    • Definition: x1 is a fig [fruit/tree] of species/strain x2
    • Notes: See also grute.


  • pinxe drink
    • Rafsi: pix
    • Definition: x1 (agent) drinks/imbibes beverage/drink/liquid refreshment x2 from/out-of container/source x3
    • Notes: See also cidja, citka, taske, tunlo, xaksu, barja, birje.
  • cidja food `feed'
    • Rafsi: dja
    • Definition: x1 is food/feed/nutriment for x2; x1 is edible/gives nutrition to x2
    • Notes: See also citka, nitcu, pinxe, xagji, cpina.
  • vindu poison `venom'
    • Rafsi: vid
    • Definition: x1 is poisonous/venomous/toxic/a toxin to x2
    • Notes: See also since.
  • vikmi excrete
    • Rafsi: vim, vi'i
    • Definition: x1 [body] excretes waste x2 from source x3 via means/route x4
    • Notes: See also cigla, kalci, pinca, xasne.
  • kalci feces `shit'
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a/the feces/excrement/dung/shit of x2 (animal/person); (adjective:) x1 is fecal (matter)
    • Notes: Also crap. See also ganxo, pinca, vikmi, mabla, festi.
  • pinca urine `piss'
    • Rafsi: (none)
    • Definition: x1 is a/the urine/piss/pee of x2
    • Notes: See also vikmi, xasne, kalci, mabla, festi.
  • vamtu vomit
    • Rafsi: vat
    • Definition: x1 vomits/regurgitates x2; x1 throws x2 up; [violent] digestive expulsion
    • Notes: (x2 is non-gaseous); See also rigni, jetce, kafke, sputu.
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