This is Jumarkese, an introduction to create conlang that suitable to all speakers of different languages in the world...

Eto es jumarkeo, an introduction por creati conlang ke sutabol a todo parlorantos de diferente bāhsas en la dunya...

The intention to create a conlang (La intention por creati an conlang)

The intention to create is to have a language that is very related to every language in the world.

La intention por creati es por havi lingua ke es veri relato a cada bāhsa en la dunya.

Alphabet (Alfabeto)

Names of Letters of the Alphabet -
Nomes de la Leteras de la Alfabeto

A - /ah/
B - /beh/
C - /ceh/
D - /deh/
E - /eh/
F - /ef/
G - /geh/
H - /heh/
I - /ee/
J - /jeh/
K - /keh/
L - /el/
M - /em/
N - /en/
O - /oh/
P - /peh/
Q - /ku/
R - /er/
S - /es/
T - /teh/
U - /oo/
V - /veh/
W - /weh/
X - /exe/
Y - /yeh/
Z - /zeh/

Pronunciation of vowels - Pronunciation de vocales

a - [a]
e - [e]/[ɛ]
ë - [ə]
i - [i]
o - [o]/[ɔ]
u - [u]

Dipthongs (Diptongos)
Use ai, oi and au for dipthongs

Usi ai, oi dan au por diptongos

Pronunciation of consonants - Pronunciation de consonantes

b - [b]
c - [k] before a, o, and u and [s] before e and i and with h pronunced as [tʃ]
d - /d/
f - /f/
g - /g/
h - /h/
j - /dʒ/
k - /k/
l - /l/
m - /m/
n - /n/ and with g pronounced as /ŋ/, and if you want to pronounce a /g/ sound, use should double the letter g as this ngg
p - /p/
q - with u pronounced as /kw/
r - /r/
s - /s/ and with h pronounced as /ʃ/
t - /t/
v - /v/
w - /w/
x - /ks/
y - /j/
z - /z/

Digraphs - Digrafos

Ch - /tʃ/
Ng - /ŋ/
Sh - /ʃ/

Orthography - Ortografía

All are phoenetic, no silent letters... Diacritics are used for stressing and long vowels...

Todo es fonetico, no hay silente leteras... Díacriticos es usado por stresing dan long vocales...

Grammar - (Gramatica)

The grammar is very simple...
La gramatica es veri simple...

  • subject-verb-object agreement
  • adjective-noun agreement

Numbers - (Numeros)

Cardinal numbers - Cardinal numeros

0 zero - cero (ge/la)
1 one - satu (au)
2 two - dúa (au)
3 three - tri (ge)
4 four - chār (in)
5 five - pet (sv)
6 six - ses (ge)
7 seven - sem
8 eight - hachi (jp)
9 nine - nau
10 ten - shi (cn)
11 eleven - shi-satu
12 twelve - shi-dúa
13 thirteen - shi-tri
14 fourteen - shi-chār
15 fifteen - shi-pet
16 sixteen - shi-ses
17 seventeen - shi-sem
18 eighteen - shi-hachi
19 nineteen - shi-nau
20 twenty - dúashi
21 twenty-one - dúashi-satu
30 thirty - trishi
40 forty - chārshi
100 one hundred - cento
101 one hundred one - cento satu
200 two hundred - dúacento
1,000 one thousand - mil
10,000 ten thousand - shimil
20,000 twenty thousand - dúashimil
100,000 one hundred thousand - centomil
1,000,000 one million - milion
2,000,000 two million - dúamilion
100,000,000 one hundred million - cento milion
1,000,000,000 one billion - bilion

Tuples - Tupols

0 empty - nol
1 single - singgol
2 double - dupol
3 triple - trepol
4 quadrople - chārtupol
5 quintuple/pentuple - pettupol
6 sextuple/hextuple - sestupol
7 septuple/heptuple - semtupol
8 octuple - hachitupol
9 nonuple - nonupol
10 decuple - shitupol
11 undecuple/hendecuple - shisatupol
12 duodecuple - shidupol
13 tredecuple - shitripol
14 quattuordecuple - shichārtupol
15 quindecuple - shipettupol
16 sexdecuple - shisestupol
17 septendecuple - shisemtupol
18 octodecuple - shihachitupol
19 novemdecuple - shinautupol
20 vigintuple - dúashitupol
21 unvigintuple - dúashisatupol
22 duovigintuple - dúashidupol
23 trevigintuple - dúashitripol
24 quattuorvigintuple - dúashichārtupol
25 quinvigintuple - dúashipettupol
26 sexvigintuple - dúashisestupol
27 septenvigintuple - dúashisemtupol
28 octovigintuple - dúashihachitupol
29 novemvigintuple - dúashinautupol
30 trigintuple - trishitupol
31 untrigintuple -trishisatupol
40 quadragintuple - chārshitupol
41 unquadragintuple - chārshisatupol
50 quinquagintuple - petshitupol
60 sexagintuple - sesshitupol
70 septuagintuple -semshitupol
80 octogintuple - hachishitupol
90 nongentuple - naushitupol
100 centuple - centopol
1,000 milluple - milupol

Ordinal numbers - Ordinal numeros

1st - first - primero (1o)
2nd - second - secondo (2o)
3rd - third - tricero (3o)
4th - fourth - chārto (4o)
5th - fifth - petto (5o)
6th - sixth - sesto (6o)
7th - seventh - semtimo (7o)
8th - eight - hachivo (8o)
9th - ninth - nauveno (9o)
10th- tenth - deshimo (10o)
11th - eleventh - deshimoprimero (11o)
12th - twelfth - deshimosecondo (12o)
13th - thirteenth - thirteenth - deshimotricero (13o)
14th - fourteenth - deshimochārto (14o)
15th - fifteenth - deshimopetto (15o)
16th - sixteenth - deshimosesto (16o)
17th - seventeenth - deshimosemtimo (17o)
18th - eighteenth - deshihachivo (18o)
19th - nineteenth - deshimonauveno (19o)
20th - twentieth - dúadeshimo (20o)
21th - twenty-first - dúadeshimoprimero (21o)
30th - thirtieth - trideshimo (30o
100th - one hundredth - centisimo (100o)
200th - two hundredth - dúacentisimo (200o)
1000th - one thousandth - milesimo (1000o)
1000000th - one millionth - milionesimo (1000000o)

Basic words - Nouns (Basico wortos - Sustantivos)

alcohol - alcohol
alleluia - aleluya
amen - amen
animal - animal
apple - pinggwo (cn)
ash - abú (au)
avocado - avocado
banana - banana
Bible - Biblía
bird - bird
bomb - bomba
book - kitab
bottle - botel
bottle cap/crown - tansan (jp/au)
brain - brein (en)
bread - pan
brother - brater
car - auto
cat - pusa (au)
computer - compiuter
coffee - cafe
corn - maís
cyclone - ciclon
dance - dansa
dancer - danser
desire/will - desair (en)
dog - anjing (au)
duck - gana (au)
earth - erda (ge)
face - muká (in/au)
father - pater
fire - fairo (eo)
grass - damó
God - Dío
gold - chīn (cn)
guitar - gitara
hotel - hotél
house - baláy
hurricane - hurican
forest/jungle - janggal (in)
karaoke - karaóke
ketchup - kechap
king - rege
kingdom - regno
Kung fu - kungfu
lamb - agno
language - bāhsa
link - link
lord/master - tuhan (au)
love - amor
lover - amorer (la)
meat - yok (cn)
moon - bulan (au)
mother - mater
mountain - parvat (in)
no - no
OK - okey
open - kai
papaya - papaya
person - orang
pineapple - ananas
plant - planta
potato - patata
prayer - oratio
prince - principe
princess - princesa
queen - rejina
rat - rato
school - scola
sex - sex
sister - sister
slave - ulipon
spaghetti - spageti
soap - sabún
singer - canter
song - canta
stone - batu
sugar - sucar
sugar-apple - atis
sugarcane - sucarcana
sun - adlao (au)
sweet - suwit
sweetpotato - camote (es)
taxi - taxi
tea - cha
teacher - guru
typhoon - taifon
vase - bin
water - voda
wealth - chaifu
world - dunya
yes - yes
yo-yo - yoyo

Auxiliary words (Auxiliar wortos)

the - la
this/these - eto
that/those - eso
here - chitie
there - tie
there is/are - hay a/an - an
some - sam
and - dan (au)
is/are/be - es
or - au
of/from - de
but - sed (la/eo)
for/to - por
if - se
to - a
as - como
with - con
without - sin
who - ki
whose/whom - deki
what - ke
which - qual
where - onji (pt/kr)
when - quando
why - way (en)
how - como
how many/much - quanto (es/it)
for a yes/no question - chu (eo)
in/on/at - en
today - kyō (jp)
yesterday - kinō (jp)
tomorrow - nālei (tm)
also/too - ankau (eo)
again - zai (cn)
because - bicós (en)

Greetings (Salutos)

greeting - saluto
hello - haló
good - bona
bad - mal
good day - bona día
good morning - bona mateno
good highnoon - bona mezodía
good afternoon - bona postmezodía
good evening - bona vespero
good night - bona nocte
How are you? - Como es tu?
thanks - obricato (la/jp)
cheers! - kampái
sorry - gomenasai (jp)
excuse me/us - sumimasen (jp)
welcome - swāgat (in)
good luck - bona atirshdam
please! - prosīm (sv)

Pronouns (Pronomes)

First Person:
I - mi
Second Person:
you (singular) - vos
Third Person:
he/she/it - le
First Person:
we - nos
Second Person
you (plural) - vos
Third Person:
they - oni (sv)

All pronouns can be use in all aspects, as: subjects, objects, and reflexive...

For possessive pronouns, just add a suffix:


mia, vosa, lea, nosa, vosa and onia...

Verbs (Verbos)

aboliti - abolition; to abolish (la)
admiri - to admire; admiration (la)
amori - to love (la)
audi - to hear (la)
canti - to sing (la)
creati - to create (la)
dansi - to dance (la)
fini - to finish (la)
faciti - to do/make (la)
havi - to have (la)
leti - to let happen, to let be done (en)
orati - to pray (la)
speak/talk - paroli (la)
sidi - to sit (la)
skribi - to wrie (la)
vidi - to see (la)

* Take note:

Conjugation is just like in Esperanto...

You should also add the words:

kyō (today), kinō (yesterday), nālei (tomorrow), etc.

Adjectives and Adverbs (Ajectivos dan Adverbos)

always - lagi (au)
available - avelabol (en)
cute - gwiyun (kr)
full - plena (la)
long - long (en)
lucky - atirshdama (tm)
new - nova (la)
suitable - sutabol (en)

Geographical names - Geografical nomes

Directions (Direxiones)

  • North - Norte (la)
  • South - Sude (la)
  • West - Occidente (la)
  • East - Oriente (la)
  • Center - Centro (la)
  • Northwest - Norteoccidente (la)
  • Northeast - Norteoriente (la)
  • Southwest - Sudeoccidente (la)
  • Southeast - Sudeoriente (la)

Names of Countries (Nomes de Bangsas)

  • Afghanistan - Afganistan
  • Albania - Albania
  • Algeria - Algeria
  • American Samoa
  • Andorra - Andora
  • Angola - Anggola
  • Antigua and Barbuda - Antigua dan Barbuda
  • Argentina - Arhentina
  • Armenia -Armenia
  • Aruba
  • Australia - Australia
  • Austria - Austria
  • Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan
  • Bahamas, The - La Bahamas
  • Bahrain - Bahrain
  • Bangladesh - Bangladesh
  • Barbados - Barbados
  • Belarus - Byelarus
  • Belgium
  • Belize - Belicia
  • Benin - Benin
  • Bhutan - Butan
  • Bolivia - Bolivia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnia dan Herzegovina
  • Botswana - Botswana
  • Brazil - Brasíl
  • Brunei - Brunéi
  • Bulgaria - Bulgaria
  • Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso
  • Burundi - Burundi
  • Cambodia - Cambodia
  • Cameroon - Camerun
  • Canada
  • Cape Verde - Cabo Verde
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad - Chadía
  • Chile - Chilea
  • China - Jongwo
  • Colombia - Colombia
  • Comoros - Comoros
  • Congo, Democratic Republic of the
  • Congo, Republic of the
  • Costa Rica - Costa Rica
  • Cote d'Ivoire - Ivori Costa / Costa de Ivori
  • Croatia
  • Cuba
  • Curacao
  • Cyprus
  • Czechia - Chekia
  • Denmark
  • Djibouti
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic - Dominicano Republica
  • East Timor - Oriente Timora
  • Ecuador - Ecuator
  • Egypt
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Eritrea
  • Estonia
  • Ethiopia
  • Fiji
  • Finland
  • France
  • Gabon
  • Gambia, The - Gambia
  • Georgia - Kartvela
  • Germany - Doitchlandia
  • Ghana
  • Greece
  • Grenada
  • Guam
  • Guatemala
  • Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Guyana
  • Haiti - Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Hong Kong - Hongkong
  • Hungary - Hunggaria
  • Iceland - Aislandia
  • India - Barat/India
  • Indonesia - Indonesia
  • Iran - Irania
  • Iraq - Iraca
  • Ireland - Irlandia
  • Israel - Israéla
  • Italy - Italia
  • Jamaica - Jamaica
  • Japan - Nipona
  • Jordan - Jordana
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kenya - Kenia
  • Kiribati - Kiribas
  • Korea, North - Norte Korea
  • Korea, South - Sude Korea
  • Kosovo
  • Kuwait
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Laos - Lao
  • Latvia
  • Lebanon
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Libya - Libia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg - Luxemborgia
  • Macau - Macau
  • Macedonia
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Mali
  • Malta
  • Marshall Islands - Marshal Insulas
  • Mauritania
  • Mauritius
  • Mexico - Mehico
  • Micronesia
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Mongolia
  • Montenegro
  • Morocco
  • Mozambique
  • Myanmar
  • Namibia
  • Nauru
  • Nepal
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand - Nova Zilandia
  • Nicaragua
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • Norway
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Palau
  • Palestine - Palestina
  • Panama
  • Papua New Guinea - Papua Nova Ghinea
  • Paraguay
  • Peru - Perú
  • Philippines - Filipinas
  • Poland - Polsca
  • Portugal - Portugal
  • Puerto Rico - Porto Rico
  • Qatar - Catar
  • Romania - Romania
  • Russia - Rusia
  • Rwanda - Rúanda
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Samoa
  • San Marino
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Senegal
  • Serbia
  • Seychelles
  • Sierra Leone
  • Singapore
  • Sint Maarten
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Solomon Islands
  • Somalia
  • South Africa - Sude Africa
  • Spain - Spania
  • Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka
  • Sudan - Sudán
  • Sudan, South - Sude Sudan
  • Suriname - Surinám
  • Swaziland
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Syria
  • Taiwan - Taiwan
  • Tajikistan
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand - Tailandia
  • Togo
  • Tonga
  • Trinidad and Tobago - Trinitat dan Tobago
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey - Turkía
  • Turkmenistan
  • Tuvalu
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom - Unitido Regno
  • United States of America - Unitido Statos de America
  • Uruguay
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Vatican City (Holy See) - Vaticana Cita / Cita de Vaticana
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam
  • Yemen - Yemen
  • Zambia - Zambia
  • Zimbabwe - Zimbabue

Colors - Colores

yellow(-ish) - wang (cn) / wangish
green - verde (la) / verdish
blue - asúl (la) /asulish
red - red (ge) / redish
white - shiro (jp) / shiroísh
brown - braun (ge) / braunish
black - hitam (au) / hitamish
pink - rosa (la) / rosaísh
orange - naranggi (in) / naranggish
violet - violeta (la) / violetish

Lord's Prayer - Oratio de Tuhan

Our Father, who is in heaven
Nos Pader, ki es en svarg
Hallowed be your name
Sanctifi tu nome
Your kingdom come
Tu regno veni
Your will be done
Tu desair leti
On earth as it is in heaven
En erda como lo es en cielo
Give us today our daily bread
Tu givi nos kyō nos cada-día pan
And forgive our sins
Dan pardoni nos pecatos
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Como nos pardoni a los pecati contra nos
And lead us not into temptation
Dan tu no leti nos en temtation
But deliver us from evil. Amen.
Sed tu liberi nos de la mal. Amen.

Origin of words - Origine de wordes

Latin and other Romance languages (such Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Romanian, etc.) - la
Spanish - es
Portuguese - pt
Italian - it
Germanic (e.g English, German, Dutch, etc.) - ge
English - en
Esperanto - eo
Slavic (e.g. Polish, Russian, etc.) - sv
Greek - gr
Turkish - tr
Semetic (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew) - sm
Indo-Iranian (i.e. Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit or Persian) - in
Tamil and other Dravidian languages - tm
Chinese - cn
Korean - kr
Japanese - jp
Thai - th
Vietnamese - vn
Austronesian (esp. Malay-Indonesian, Tagalog, Cebuano, Malagasy) - au

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