< Japanese Phrasebook
English Rōmaji Japanese
Japanese (language)nihongo日本語
Good afternoon!konnichi waこんにちは
Good evening!konban waこんばんは
Good morning!ohayō gozaimasu (casually shortened to ohayō)おはようございます
Hello? (on the telephone)moshi moshiもしもし
Good bye! (farewell)sayōnaraさようなら
Good bye! (I’ll be back.)ittekimasu行って来ます
Good bye! (Come back soon.)itterasshai行ってらっしゃい
See you latermata neまたね
Please give me [...] / Please do [...]kudasai下さい
Please. (Go ahead. / Be my guest.)dōzoどうぞ
Please [...] (request)onegai shimasu (often shortened to "onegai")お願いします
Thank you.arigatōありがとう
Excuse me.sumimasenすみません
Sorry. (informal)gomenごめん
I’m sorry. (formal)gomen nasaiごめんなさい
That one. (near you)soreそれ
That one. (over there)areあれ
How much? (price)ikura desu kaいくらですか
English (language)eigo英語
Do you speak English?eigo ga hanasemasu ka英語が話せますか
Bon appétit! (corresponds to the humble form of “I receive” in Japanese)itadakimasuいただきます
Thank you for the meal.gochisōsama deshitaごちそうさまでした
Where's the bathroom?toire wa doko desu ka?トイレはどこですか
Cheers! (toast)kanpai乾杯
foreignergaikokujin (should not be shortened)外国人
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