< Islam Way of Life
  • ISBN 978-9004171039, The Qur'an, Morality and Critical Reason, The Essential Muhammad Shahrur, Muhammad Shahrur (Author), Reas Christmann (Author), Andreas Christmann (Editor), Brill (March 31, 2009).
  • Shahrour's Glossary of Quran (excerpt from ISBN 978-9004171039
  • Reading the Religious Text - A New Approach By Dr. Mohammad Shahrour. "...the legal aspects of the Qur'an: the code of moral, the legal system, and the rituals..."
  • Five Myths about Muslims in America, by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
  • ISBN 0-7645-5581-2, The Koran for Dummies, "Similar arrangement, starting with Sacred Prohibitions, then Beliefs, Rituals, and Social Development", Sohaib Sultan, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2004.
  • Altafsir.com. "...all the most important tafsirs from the seven madhhabs (Maliki, Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafi’i, Zeidi, Jafari, and Ibadhi)...", Ministry of Religious Affairs, Jordan.
  • English Translation of The Holy Koran by Muhammad Sarwar, 1981. "Loose and innovative style. Attractively readable.", Clay Chip Smith, Texas.
  • Sahih Muslim Hadith by Muslim Student Association of University of Southern California
  • Fiqh-us-Sunnah by Sayyid Saabiq by Muslim Student Association of University of Southern California. "This work presents hadith evidences for rulings corresponding to about 95 percent of those of the Shafi'i school.", Nuh Ha Mim Keller.
  • MuslimHeritage.com, "1000 years of missing history of Muslim contribution to present day Science, Technology, Arts and Civilisation", Foundation for Science Technology and Civilization, United Kingdom.
  • 20 Greatest Inventions by Muslim Scientists
  • The Simpler Way, "...if we shift to The Simpler Way are we likely to restore satisfactory community and social cohesion.", Ted Trainer, School of Social Works, The University of New South Wales.
  • IslamForToday.com "A guide to the religion of Islam, Muslim history and civilizations, the rights of women in Islam, Islam in the West and around the world today plus Muslim schools and family life."
  • Muhammadiyah, "an Asian-flavor of Sunnah/Salafi movement in Singapore". It has several partners in Asia .
  • MadinahArabic.com, Free Arabic Language study materials
  • , Islamic and Arabic Language books and resource
  • ISBN 1-56751-194-5 Rogue state: a guide to the world's only superpower, William Blum, Common Courage Press.
  • One World Goverment, an opposing view by Robert Wright.
  • The Religion of Peace, a website opposing the view of this book.
  • Islamic Family Legal System on dozens on Countries, compiled by Emory Law School.
  • ISLAM: Governing Under Sharia Q&A, by Sharon Otterman, associate director, cfr.org
  • Stoning as a Form of Punishment under Sharia Law by ISHR Germany
  • Constitutions in Islamic and Muslim State, by Khalifah Institute
  • International Law and Treaties, by United Nations.
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